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I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend..

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I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend.. Empty I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend..

Post by Chris_D 6/17/2013, 6:03 am

We might be getting a bit closer to actually being able to buy CCI Std vel.  I stopped in one of my local gun shops this weekend and they had it on the shelf - however, it wasn't for sale.  You could only purchase it if you were shooting on their range.  

Even though I wasn't able to purchase it, it is a sign that it is making it into the stores.  Maybe it won't be too much longer!

Chris D


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I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend.. Empty Re: I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend..

Post by spursnguns 6/17/2013, 5:54 pm

Thanks, Chris.

I bought a brick of CCI Pistol Match from Natchez a couple of weeks ago.  I was so happy; my wife thought that I won the lotto.

As an aside; by the time I got her to the computer to buy another brick, three minutes tops, they had sold out.


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I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend.. Empty Re: I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend..

Post by Fire Escape 6/25/2013, 10:57 pm

Saw some the end of last month in my local store but it was a two box maximum purchase. I bought my two and got the wife to put down her book and buy two more. It was all gone when I went back the next day.


Fire Escape

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I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend.. Empty Re: I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend..

Post by oldsalt444 6/27/2013, 8:52 pm

I saw a few bricks at a gun show in Sacramento, CA almost 2 weeks ago.  The damn scalpers were asking $70 a brick, and this wasn't match stuff, either.  The match ammo was Aguila for $100.

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I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend.. Empty Re: I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend..

Post by Fire Escape 7/12/2013, 6:57 pm

It is available here again. Not sure for how long as the supply doesn't seem 'regular'. On Wednesday evening (league match) I heard that they had Federal Bulk Packs (1200 fps) which have been working OK in my Mk II (at my level they are not 'holding me back') so on Thursday I went and bought my 'allotment' which was 1 (325) for $15.95. Had an extra hour to kill before a funeral today so I went back for more but the Fed Champion was gone. I got my 'allotment', 2 boxes (of 50) of CCI standard velocity for $3.50 each. I wish that I shot well enough to think that the CCI might save me a point or two but..... Spending an hour to get 100 rounds makes it hard to justify at my level.


Fire Escape

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Join date : 2013-06-23
Location : New Hampshire

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I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend.. Empty Re: I saw some CCI std vel in a store this weekend..

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