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Hammerli 208 Style Slide Repair

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Hammerli 208 Style Slide Repair Empty Hammerli 208 Style Slide Repair

Post by Ed Hall 9/4/2021, 9:25 am

There were recent discussions regarding 208 slide issues, that included the breech face wearing to a point where brass was no longer held within the headspace properly.  A retired gunsmith in Arizona has provided me a detailed procedure he has used to repair this wear.  With his permission, I am making his procedure available on my site at the link below.

Here is his bio: Derrick Martin is the former owner of Accuracy Speaks Gunsmithing in Mesa, AZ. He has 40 years experience in Competitive Shooting and Gunsmithing. He is retired now, but remains available in the shop for interesting projects. Email address is ask_derrick@aol.com.

Here is the link to the page with a PowerPoint presentation of his procedure: Repair Procedure for Hammerli 208(s) Slides

Ed Hall

Posts : 1085
Join date : 2012-09-11
Location : Adirondack Mountains


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