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Harrisburg PA Regional 2700 + EIC + DR Matches 22-23 June 2013

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Harrisburg PA Regional 2700 + EIC + DR Matches 22-23 June 2013 Empty Harrisburg PA Regional 2700 + EIC + DR Matches 22-23 June 2013

Post by DRNurse1 Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:01 pm

My thanks to Anthony Brong, Match Director, and the Harrisburg Hunters and Anglers Association for accommodating my request to join the June Match. This match was well run and has 60 covered points. I did not know until the Thursday before this match that I would be available for it. 

The squadding was open format and I had the distinct privilege to shoot shoulder to shoulder with John Zurek yesterday. This was an incredible opportunity and Mr Zurek freely offered suggestions to improve my shooting as well as other competitors on the line. I also had the opportunity to observe his shot process which, for me, is my best way of learning. Unlike any other sport, Conventional Pistol can put the best competitors with the novice shooters and, if they choose to partake of such an opportunity, the novice can learn volumes. 

Obviously, a match is not the place to change your shot process. However, I was able to immediately apply some of Mr Zurek's numerous concise  recommendations and managed to shoot 25 points above my last 2700. More importantly, his information was presented in a clear fashion which I can convey to my kids, who have just entered our sport. Hopefully this will shorten their learning curve and increase their enjoyment of our sport.

Mr Zurek is preparing for the National matches and represents Zero Bullets. He is an excellent ambassador both for Conventional Pistol competition and that product. I must also apologize because I did not know who he was prior to this morning when I checked last year's National Match results for the spelling of his name in order to send a thank you to him through the Zero Bullet website. I overheard someone remark about 'bridesmaid' yesterday, but was unaware at that time he was second to Mr Zins last year. My hope is Mr Zurek reaches the podium this year. 

Again, let me express my gratitude to our sport for providing such opportunities. 

Last edited by DRNurse1 on Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling, well fat fingered typing.)


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Join date : 2012-02-13
Age : 65
Location : Pennsylvania

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