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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? Empty Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

Post by Monrec 11/8/2021, 12:54 pm

hello BE folks,

i have a SW41 and recently installed an ultradot/ matchdot ii scope/ red dot - all stock with the provided rings.
normally i shoot at 25 yards and zeroed my pistol for that distance but when i moved to 12 yards to shoot with a friend, i noticed that i was shooting low and had to make like 4 clicks to put it up. i did not have this issue when i had the vortex venom on my SW41. obviously the scope sits higher than the vortex but i did not expect the difference to be that big. would like to hear some experiences and suggestions from other folks.


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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? Empty Re: Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

Post by Jack H 11/8/2021, 1:10 pm

At 12y, the shot trajectory is nearly a straight line.   The UD probably sits higher by a comparable amount that you see low at the target.
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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? Empty Re: Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

Post by Monrec 11/8/2021, 1:30 pm

thats what i thought, and thats the reason why i posted. scope sits on a weaver rail, nothing special but found it kinda strange that coming nearer from 25 to 12 should have a straight line against the 25 to 50 yards where there should be a slight deviation.

Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? 2021-118


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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? Empty Re: Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

Post by Wobbley 11/8/2021, 2:07 pm

At short ranges (under 50 feet) mechanical offset plays a much bigger role.

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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? Empty Re: Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

Post by james r chapman 11/8/2021, 2:16 pm

Image poi from 1 yard
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james r chapman

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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? Empty Re: Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

Post by SingleActionAndrew 11/8/2021, 6:00 pm

If you drew and extended lines through the center of your sight and the center of your barrel, there is a point where the lines will eventually intersect. Due to bullet drop, the trajectory line from the barrel will go on to intersect with the line through your sight again.  Practical example: with the matchdot on my Ruger 22 I don't adjust between 25 and 50 yards. I understand this to mean the bullet is still on it's way up (in relation to the sight line) as it passes through the 25 yard target, and falling right onto my point of aim at 50 yards.  If my bullet is still going up at 25 yards then: when I bring the target in to 12 yards the bullet will be earlier yet in its flight to my point of aim, so expected to be lower point of impact on the target.

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Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards? Empty Re: Matchdot ii adjustment needed between 25 and 12 yards?

Post by Monrec 11/8/2021, 6:12 pm

Thank you folks for all your inputs. Just got back from the range and with the matchdot ii, I had to move from 0 to counter clockwise with 6 clicks. It went straight to bullseye using a rest.


Posts : 26
Join date : 2021-09-10

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