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Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7

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Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7 Empty Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7

Post by Nightshift82 12/7/2021, 8:29 pm

The S&W 14-7 I picked up last year seems a bit out of time, works great in single action but spits some lead in double action.  I'm looking for recommendations for where to send this to get fixed.

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Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7 Empty Re: Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7

Post by TonyH 12/7/2021, 9:02 pm

Matt Lieninger, Mojo Custom Guns in Hartland, MI….

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Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7 Empty Re: Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7

Post by Allgoodhits 12/9/2021, 6:52 pm

Mojo Custom in MI or Northern Virginia Gun Works in VA

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Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7 Empty Re: Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7

Post by Arthur 12/9/2021, 8:02 pm

Smith & Wesson is running about 8 months turn around. Just got my 28 back. 
Good luck!!



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Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7 Empty Re: Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7

Post by Tim:H11 12/10/2021, 7:17 am

I would look at the double action sear and the hand and try to determine if it’s simply firing too soon, or if the hand is worn and it’s not completing a cycle of bringing the new chamber into lock up. More common than something else the hand wears down and starts slipping. A new hand can be purchased from a variety of online vendors, and then sometimes you get lucky and it’s a drop in fit or sometimes you’ll have to adjust it some to get the desired behavior out of it. If it’s a DA sear then a new one needs installed, checked for function, and filed/stoned until it functions correctly and you have a smooth feel again. These are just the two things I’d look for and I’ve done both before. They are easy tasks to mess up but they also aren’t hard to do if you pay attention to what the gun is telling you and take your time.

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Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7 Empty Re: Gunsmith recommendations for an out of time S&W 14-7

Post by James Hensler 12/10/2021, 4:56 pm

Fix it yourself! Get a hand and watch some YouTube videos! It’s easy
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