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Pardini SP22 Rubber Donuts replacement cycle

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Pardini SP22 Rubber Donuts replacement cycle Empty Pardini SP22 Rubber Donuts replacement cycle

Post by PhotoEscape 12/7/2021, 8:55 pm

I'm sure it was already discussed as I seam to remember seeing posts.  However I can't find it, and would appreciate someone replying with links! 

Issue at hand:  are there signs that indicate it is time to replace all those little black o-rings, that help dampening recoil on SP22, or it should be done as a maintenance procedure after so many rounds through?


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Pardini SP22 Rubber Donuts replacement cycle Empty Re: Pardini SP22 Rubber Donuts replacement cycle

Post by Wobbley 12/7/2021, 9:53 pm

Based on my experience as an enginerror, I’d measure the stack at every year or 5000 rounds (whichever comes first. If the stack is less than 2/3 of what a new stack, or if there are any cracked or broken, change them all.

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Pardini SP22 Rubber Donuts replacement cycle Empty Re: Pardini SP22 Rubber Donuts replacement cycle

Post by James Hensler 12/8/2021, 6:34 am

Wobbley wrote:Based on my experience as an enginerror, I’d measure the stack at every year or 5000 rounds (whichever comes first.  If the stack is less than 2/3 of what a new stack, or if there are any cracked or broken, change them all.
I myself is an Enginerror and I say if you shoot a full season it makes sense to spend the couple of bucks to replace them annually! Not anally! Lol

Especially if your lower is also used for a HP conversion
James Hensler
James Hensler

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