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Triggers for Pardini and shoes for 1911

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Triggers for Pardini  and shoes for 1911 Empty Triggers for Pardini and shoes for 1911

Post by Froneck 12/10/2021, 3:29 am

I'm making up a batch of Pardini triggers and shoes for the 1911. They will be about 80% complete and require finishing to what ever is  needed to fit the gun and the shooter.
 I will then take a break and complete the .22 conversion for the 1911 I started plus do some work on my AW93. Not to mention 5 frames and slides I purchased from Caspian waiting to be made into guns!
 So anyone wanting Pardini Triggers or shoes for the 1911 let me know now as I plan to direct my time to finishing my guns! Any requests after Jan.1 will take a bit of time since I will have machinery tied-up with my stuff. This shoe maker has been going barefoot for tooo long! E-mail me at FSCO@pa.net


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Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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