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How good were the old Colts?

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How good were the old Colts? Empty How good were the old Colts?

Post by Nopro 12/11/2021, 8:11 pm

Does anybody know what the Colt factory's minimum accuracy standard was for the Officer Model Match and the original Python?  Anyone know their current standards?


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How good were the old Colts? Empty Re: How good were the old Colts?

Post by toddcfii 12/11/2021, 8:47 pm

I really doubt they built them to any standard of accuracy. Full production guns are generally built to tolerances. That is they are built so that end shake for instance has to be less than X. But I think you have to get to a custom gun or semi custom gun before they are even shot to see how accurate they are much less to a standard. Would love to be proved wrong.

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How good were the old Colts? Empty Re: How good were the old Colts?

Post by Nopro 12/11/2021, 9:14 pm

I've heard that Smith & Wesson K38 and K22 revolvers had a standard accuracy of a 1 1/2 inch group at 50 yards or it wouldn't leave the factory. I asked Smith & Wesson what their current standard was when I had my Model 17 in for repair last year. At first they wouldn't tell me but eventually said 2 inches at 25 yards. I've never heard what Colt's standard was. That's why I asked the question. Maybe you have to work for Colt to find out.


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How good were the old Colts? Empty Re: How good were the old Colts?

Post by kjanracing 12/11/2021, 10:15 pm

There are many things that have to be worked out in a 1911 to be bullseye accurate. In my opinion not so much in a well made revolver. I bet the old Colts are plenty accurate.

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How good were the old Colts? Empty Re: How good were the old Colts?

Post by Jack H 12/11/2021, 10:51 pm

The new SAO 38 OMM I had in the early70s was and still would be the most accurate CF gun I ever had.  It was X ring accurate from my hand at 50.  Never tested it from a rest.  Wish I still had it.
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How good were the old Colts? Empty Re: How good were the old Colts?

Post by Wobbley 12/11/2021, 11:36 pm

It was my understanding that the old Pythons and OMM guns would shoot about an inch to an inch and a half with ammunition it liked at 50 yards. Which was about what the ammunition was capable of holding. In those days you’d shoot different lots and brands to find ammo that shot well then you’d buy as much of that lot you could find. The better lots were shot at 50, handloads or “off” lots were shot at 25, so not much has changed.

Sadly, while the ammo looks the same, I’m not sure the performance now is what it used to be. Not that it’s bad, but the guys who knew how to tweak the loading process to get it to shoot to that level have taken their secrets to the grave.

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How good were the old Colts? Empty Re: How good were the old Colts?

Post by Bmitch996 12/12/2021, 9:28 am

Nopro wrote: I've heard  that Smith & Wesson K38 and K22 revolvers had a standard accuracy of a 1 1/2 inch group at 50 yards or it wouldn't leave the factory. 

That was for the Model 52, my father worked at S&W 1958-1988 and was involved in the development and their production was under his supervision until he retired. 
That level of accuracy testing wouldn't have been possible with the high volume of revolvers produced relative to the small number of 52s.


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How good were the old Colts? Empty Re: How good were the old Colts?

Post by JayhawkNavy02 1/1/2022, 6:19 pm

I've only had two, of the K38 and OMM, the OMM was more accurate, but the trigger needed some love in the DA side, SA was very good.  I could have and probably was unlucky on my S&W purchase given the long history and common usage.

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