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Exceptional Gunsmith

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Exceptional Gunsmith Empty Exceptional Gunsmith

Post by jjbhonn 12/15/2021, 12:22 am

I want forum members to know of a high-quality smith for bullseye shooters. KC Crawford has worked on several guns for me. I have found him to be highly professional, very exacting, straight-forward, honest and gets the job done. He is a veteran and a gentleman. I am grateful he is there for souls like me. So says this 74-year-old shooter. Joe


Posts : 34
Join date : 2013-09-19

PMcfall, 8eightring, CR10X, BE Mike, spursnguns, Blsi2600, ric1911a1 and like this post

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Exceptional Gunsmith Empty Re: Exceptional Gunsmith

Post by hamdenman 12/15/2021, 12:57 pm

I’ll second everything that Joe said!


Posts : 218
Join date : 2012-09-07

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