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It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box

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It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box Empty It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box

Post by straybrit 12/29/2021, 9:21 pm

So I finally got my MG4 configured and obtained some 32 SWL ammo. Getting ready to head to the range and ....

it doesn't fit in my gun-pro box when the red dot is mounted. Sigh. Anyone else come up against this and found a solution?


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It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box Empty Re: It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box

Post by chiz1180 12/29/2021, 9:53 pm

I keep my guns in a separate case/bag from my “gun box”. I use my gun box to carry ammo, spotting scope, and other “match essentials”. Two separate things rather than one but this method works well for me, especially when traveling.

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It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box Empty Re: It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box

Post by TomH_pa 12/30/2021, 7:59 am

I just carry mine in the blue MG box along with everything that is specific to that gun. Once I have what I need out of the box, I just put it under the bench.


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It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box Empty Re: It's always something - Matchgun owners - what are you doing for a gun box

Post by straybrit 12/30/2021, 10:55 am

Yeah - I thought of that - but with a 1911 angle grip and a matchdot the box is too narrow. Sigh.


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Join date : 2012-09-05

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