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Colt firing pin question

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Colt firing pin question Empty Colt firing pin question

Post by tovaert 1/12/2022, 8:49 am

I have a pre 70s NM 1911 and would like to get a new firing pin. It's the larger diameter 0.090 but also a longer length (2.290"). I bought an Ed Brown series 70 replacement but it's too short. Does anyone have a specific part number that would be a replacement?


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by Froneck 1/12/2022, 10:00 am

Looking at Dwg. 6008599 at https://www.m1911.org/M1911-A1_REDUX.pdf   The length of the firing Pin is 2.296 +.000, -.006. Drawing isn't Colt and is probably GI 1911.
 However if you insert the pin and spring with the firing pin stop installed. Push the pin flush with the stop it should be about flush with the slide face and not protrude. If it protrudes it too long. What is the length of the Ed Brown replacement?


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by Mike_Anderson 1/12/2022, 10:16 am

Every firing pin in my parts bin is at least 2.290" (plus a couple thou. on some). I also have a brand new Wilson titanium pin that is 2.293" long. Sounds to me like you got a bad part from Ed Brown.
Just sayin;


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by tovaert 1/13/2022, 8:46 am

Froneck wrote:Looking at Dwg. 6008599 at https://www.m1911.org/M1911-A1_REDUX.pdf   The length of the firing Pin is 2.296 +.000, -.006. Drawing isn't Colt and is probably GI 1911.
 However if you insert the pin and spring with the firing pin stop installed. Push the pin flush with the stop it should be about flush with the slide face and not protrude. If it protrudes it too long. What is the length of the Ed Brown replacement?


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by Froneck 1/13/2022, 9:13 am

It's only .040" short or .036 shorter than the one you have. I've seen shorter work! Since you have it, give it a try. May I ask why your changing it?


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by DA/SA 1/13/2022, 11:55 am

EGW states that their firing pins are not extra long and lists their Colt firing pins as being 2.260".

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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by tovaert 1/13/2022, 12:05 pm

Froneck wrote:It's only .040" short or .036 shorter than the one you have. I've seen shorter work! Since you have it, give it a try. May I ask why your changing it?
I inherited this pistol and I have no idea how many rounds have been fired. I just wanted to have a spare on hand.


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by tovaert 1/23/2022, 8:25 am

So after doing some investigation, here's what I found out.

1911 .45ACP firing pins in the approximate original GI length/tip diameter (2.290"/0.090"): Cylinder and Slide, Dawson Precision, Harrison Designs.

Shortened to approximately 2.255" in length: EGW, Ed Brown, Wilson Combat.

Unknown: John Masen, Nowlin.


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by Froneck 1/23/2022, 1:53 pm

If you have any concerns that the pin you purchased will work when needed install it now. Use it in practice and if reliable replace the older pin and keep the new as a spare knowing if needed it will work! To test it prior to using live ammo, put a pencil in the barrel cock the hammer and pull the trigger. The pencil should fly out and go quite a bit in distance.


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by tovaert 1/24/2022, 10:30 am

Yes I'll try that. Thanks!


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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by Ed Hall 1/24/2022, 8:34 pm

Just an extra note about the pencil test:  If you have a series 80 with firing pin block installed, adjusting the over-travel too close can also cause firing pin troubles which will be shown by a weak pencil travel.

Ed Hall

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Colt firing pin question Empty Re: Colt firing pin question

Post by 243winxb 1/26/2022, 9:54 pm

An inertia firing pin goes till it hit something, like the primer.

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