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X-Esse firing pin access

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X-Esse firing pin access Empty X-Esse firing pin access

Post by -TT- Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:27 pm

I can't quite tell how to access the firing pin on the X-Esse. I don't need to do that right now, but it's bugging me.

The FP comes out of the channel to the rear after pressing out the vertical roll pin. But the safety is in the way.

The safety, in turn, comes out from the side, but the plug at the rear holds it in.

X-Esse firing pin access Img110

So, the plug needs to come out. But how? It appears to be plastic, and possibly held in by the two marked catch points. Can they be gently depressed to release, or does this involve prying the plug out and therefore replacing it?


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Join date : 2016-10-18

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X-Esse firing pin access Empty Re: X-Esse firing pin access

Post by jglenn21 Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:47 pm

the safety plug does NOT need to come out.. simply remove the pin holding the FP( top to bottom).. put your finger on the bottom of the slide behind the rear of the FP so it doesn't get "lost". the FP will tilt down and come right out.

don't mess with the safety till you have to. Smile

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Age : 76
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X-Esse firing pin access Empty Re: X-Esse firing pin access

Post by -TT- Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:38 pm

Aha! Ok, it's a lot shorter than I expected, shoulda measured more carefully. I don't plan to mess with either one right now but thanks.

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Join date : 2016-10-18

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