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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Thin Man
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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by robvasi 1/29/2022, 9:41 am

I am practicing shooting my Smith & Wesson 357 revolver using double action with one hand. I am using 35 special ammunition. The hits on the target are usually to the left although some erratic. I can see the muzzle moving left as I squeeze the trigger:

How do I correct this?.


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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by Thin Man 1/29/2022, 9:57 am

Focus on pulling the trigger straight back. Try dry firing until the muzzle doesn’t move when you pull the trigger. 

Easy to say, harder to do.

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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by robvasi 1/29/2022, 9:59 am

I find I have more of my finger on the trigger than I do when using single action, should I continue to use more finger or practice using just the tip?


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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by robvasi 1/29/2022, 10:13 am

I just now did some dry fire and there is no muzzle flinch


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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by Sa-tevp 1/29/2022, 11:28 am

I find it fun to balance a 22lr - 45 ACP case on top of the front sight or rib and see how many DA pulls I can do without the case falling off. Someone on youtube made a video of dry firing with a nickle balanced on the barrel that is pretty neat, but I also suspect his springs are too light to set off a primer.

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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by Wobbley 1/29/2022, 12:06 pm

This picture is in Hebard’s Pistol Shooter’s Treasury.  It was in an article on Police Pistol Combat shooting.
Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  196e6410
In PPC there is a fair amount of DA shooting.  I use this when practicing Bill Drills with a 4” S&W 66.  I can get 6 shots in a 5” circle in around 2 seconds from the low ready at a distance of 7 yards.  

Note that the grip is shifted to get the trigger to meet the trigger finger “inside” the tip joint.  It does work, but you still need to dry fire a LOT to still get the muzzle under control.  One technique is to learn to “stack” the trigger smoothly then stop just before sear release.  This gets a more consistent break and allows adjustment of sight picture.

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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by robvasi 1/29/2022, 3:55 pm

Thank your for posting this. I will modify my grip.


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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by orpheoet 1/31/2022, 3:57 am

I went Distinguished shooting DA for Timed and Rapid. My personal method was/is very high grip like in the Hebard pic and the trigger is right on the crease just like how I shoot a 1911. I believe that's a Zins thing. I pull the trigger straight through. "Staging" the trigger is in my opinion a recipe for inconsistent shots/jerking. For myself pulling straight through is key.

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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by PMcfall 2/2/2022, 1:05 pm

I think maybe the problem lies in the fact that our Dist revolvers cannot have a trigger stop.  

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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by RoyDean 2/2/2022, 1:23 pm

I use DA for both TF and RF (after the first shot). I like to "stage" or "stack" the trigger as noted by Wobbley. The problem is that not all guns and particular ammo like to be "staged".

Light strikes are the problem - particularly with CCI or similar "hard" primers, Federal are less sensitive.

With a compliant gun and ammo, staging DA can produce some very tight groups indeed. But one or two light strike alibi's ruins your day!


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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by bruce martindale 2/2/2022, 8:56 pm

Thumb becomes a trigger stop for trigger finger tip...

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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by Wes Lorenz 2/2/2022, 10:57 pm

bruce martindale wrote:Thumb becomes a trigger stop for trigger finger tip...
Wes Lorenz
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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by PMcfall 2/3/2022, 8:43 am

Not my thumb!

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Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions  Empty Re: Shooting double action revolver, need suggestions

Post by rfmiller 3/1/2022, 10:50 am

I agree with the comments about the grip for DA vs SA.  I use two different grips, one for slow fire (pad of first digit on trigger and lower on the grip) and one for sustained fire (in the first joint on the trigger and a higher grip).  Another possibility is that some DA actions have a very noticeable "break over" point in the travel.  When that point becomes "stiff" then lets up before the actual release of the hammer you can easily jerk to one side.  This is an action job issue.

Just a thought from a long time revolver shooter.  Hang in there and LOTS of dryfire


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