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Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini

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Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini Empty Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini

Post by Ejmmanning 2/3/2022, 6:25 am

I am switch a Ultra Dot II to an Aimpoint H2. Should I mount the Aimpoint farther down the barrel because it lighter? What the best way to zero it in.

Thank you 



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Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini Empty Re: Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini

Post by mspingeld 2/3/2022, 6:54 am

Mount it wherever it gives you the best balance. Personal preference although most seem to prefer the weight further back.

To zero, bench rest the gun and carefully shoot 4 or 5 shots at 10 yards. Adjust sights to center group. Move out the 20 yards and repeat. Then 25.

Keep in mind, bench rested groups may not be the same as one handed shooting groups but will be close. You may need to fine tune a bit.

As you improve and shoot smaller groups, you can adjust on the fly.

Good luck!

Last edited by mspingeld on 2/3/2022, 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total


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Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini Empty Re: Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini

Post by Ejmmanning 2/3/2022, 7:11 am

Thank you


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Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini Empty Re: Best way to zero in Aimpoint H2 on Pardini

Post by Kp321 2/3/2022, 11:59 am

I have an inexpensive laser bore sighter that inserts into the muzzle. If I am swapping optics and the original one is zeroed, I make note of where the red dot is on the wall compared to the laser dot, then set the replacement optic to the same offset. For better precision, a grid pattern can be placed on the wall for a definite offset.


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