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Does anyone use a log book?

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Does anyone use a log book?  Empty Does anyone use a log book?

Post by Jwhelan939 7/23/2013, 1:16 pm

I'm a little ocd in just about everything I do. I created my own log; however, I was wondering if anyone used a purchased log book, or would be willing to share the log they created?


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Does anyone use a log book?  Empty Re: Does anyone use a log book?

Post by tenx9 8/9/2013, 9:57 am

I use to just log my scores both in practice and match. Frankly, I don't know if it helped or not. My scores peaked at about 92.5 to 93% and died there. No matter what I did they seem to average there. If anything, I also logged my ransom rest groups of various pistols and its tough to see your groups open up as the years go by. You definitely know when you have to rebarrel your guns. Its also fun to see how good "you used to shoot". I think as a new shooter its important to track your progress. If you're Brian Zins, I don't think it makes a difference. Altho ask him....who knows


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Does anyone use a log book?  Empty Re: Does anyone use a log book?

Post by Bill Treanor 8/9/2013, 12:42 pm

Yes, I use a log book. It's just a small "freebie" notebook I got at a professional conference several years ago. I use it to keep my scores as well as record things like the load I was using, how many clicks to adjust between the long and short lines, what problems I had, etc. I found that I would sometimes forget simple things between matches (focus on the front sight, don't hold too long, etc.) so this is a way for me to keep up with those seemingly little things that can make a big difference.

Bill Treanor

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Does anyone use a log book?  Empty Re: Does anyone use a log book?

Post by John 8/9/2013, 2:57 pm

Log books are only used by those who want to advance in their
sport and wind up at the top.


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Does anyone use a log book?  Empty Re: Does anyone use a log book?

Post by SteveT 8/10/2013, 9:02 am

Pistol shooters don't need to record as much technical info in a log book as rifle shooters do. The one exception is open sights, where lighting can have a significant effect on POI.

We do need to remember a lot of info. I refer to mine as my shooting journal, since it is more of a note book or diary than a technical log book. It includes my shot process, notes on what has helped me in the past etc. I usually make a few notes about the lead up to a match or practice session, what I ate, how much sleep, weather conditions etc. in case something goes well or bad I can hopefully see a cause or pattern. Mostly I review my ”stuff that works” page to get in the right frame of mind.

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