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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Steve B
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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by Coupebuilder 2/5/2022, 8:38 am

Im curious to know why you guys like the Aimpoints?  I have zero experience with them until seeing a lot of mention on this site. Ive used Ultradot and Ultradot II so far and had ok luck with them. The Aimpoint looks like a larger lens dia from pics but hard to tell. Im always interested in anything that can give me a little edge...buy what accuracy you can practice for the rest....type of thing. My only problem with Ultradots and reflex sights is it seems to take my eye a half second to find the dot when re-positioning myself or bringing the gun up from the bench.


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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by SmokinNJokin 2/5/2022, 8:53 am

Really sturdy, very long battery life, warranty, holds its resale value, dot clarity, looks+ergonomics.


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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by chiz1180 2/5/2022, 9:04 am

The glass in the Aimpoints is better and more consistent from optic to optic. Battery life is significantly better. Build quality is higher.

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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by mspingeld 2/5/2022, 9:14 am

I use Aimpoints but Ultradots are very good. Save your money. Not going to buy you any additional points.


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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by RoyDean 2/5/2022, 9:25 am


I third what is stated by Smokin & Chiz. I'm an H1 fan, but I admit that they are not perfect. The dot size is very small (ignore the 4moa or 2 moa printed on the side!) and, for my old, slightly astigmatic, floater filled eyes, does not always appear perfectly round. The brightness control "steps" are too coarse and only about 3 steps are actually useful in daylight or lit indoors (but that is true for almost all red dots).

The clearest, roundest dots I have seen were in 1" UD, but I struggled with reliability. I gave up on the 30mm UD's when I found that the dots were often not concentric with the tubes. But UD's continue to be the most common and popular choice amongst Bullseye shooters I think.

Several top shooters swear by the bigger and bulkier Aimpoint 9000 series, But I just cannot bring myself to bolt a coke bottle sized awkward device on to the top of my nice guns!

As for your difficulties finding the dot when you raise the gun a couple of suggestions:- 
1. Get yourself a bench bag that you can rest hand/gun on the bench at the ready position, with the gun clear of the bench. At the "Is the line ready" command, stiffen you arm and look down along the sight line and pick up the dot. Then when you raise your arm the dot should be pretty close to the center of the field of view.
2. Try fitting some aperture rings (Photoescape is a notable vendor). The dot shines on to the back of a front ring and makes it much easier to pick up from rest or during recoil recovery.


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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by -TT- 2/5/2022, 11:38 am

Super-accurate click stops. No need to guess in between range adjustments during a match.

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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by Steve B 2/5/2022, 12:25 pm

Agree with all the positive comments above.  I own 5 of them, switched away from UltraDot because Aimpoint is more reliable, almost zero parallax and lighter weight.

Steve B

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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by Tripscape 2/5/2022, 1:04 pm

I will flip my comment this way - switched away from Aimpoint to Holosun 503 because: clear lenses vs green tint, AP had slight negative magnification where HS has none, cleaner and redder dot, consistent steps between settings, buttons vs dial are easier to manage for me, remembers last setting on turn-on, 2.5 times cheaper.  All else same reliable and same size. Yes, I have bias toward buttons being that both packages are fairly same.


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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by Fotomaniac 2/5/2022, 9:32 pm

If when raising your pistol you fail to see the dot, then you need to adjust either your: Grip, stance or both.

Last edited by Fotomaniac on 2/5/2022, 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by zanemoseley 2/5/2022, 11:24 pm

RoyDean wrote:Coupebuilder.
Several top shooters swear by the bigger and bulkier Aimpoint 9000 series, But I just cannot bring myself to bolt a coke bottle sized awkward device on to the top of my nice guns!

I've tried pretty much every dot out there, reflex dots, micro dot, 1" and 30mm UD as well as sightron and nothing beats a 9000SC. I will use one as long as I can hold one. Amazing weight and balance on a 1911.


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Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1? Empty Re: Why do you guys like the Aimpoint H1?

Post by dieselguy624 2/6/2022, 5:19 pm

@zanemoseley Do you use it on your .45?  I have one on a 1911 .22 conversion & its perfect weight wise.


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