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where can I order bullseye shooting supplies

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where can I order bullseye shooting supplies Empty where can I order bullseye shooting supplies

Post by robbt Sun 13 Feb - 3:14

hi guys , where can I order bullseye shooting supplies and equipment since
Gil Hebard guns closed down , wow seems like yesterday I was talking with Gil on the phone
but it must be a decade or more, time slips by.
please post robbt


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Join date : 2011-07-01

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where can I order bullseye shooting supplies Empty Re: where can I order bullseye shooting supplies

Post by Pinetree Sun 13 Feb - 4:00


The former is pretty good, and I have personally ordered from.

The latter is out of stock with just about everything.

Sad to say, but the sport is slowly dying out.

There's also eBay, plus the for sale forum here.


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where can I order bullseye shooting supplies Empty Re: where can I order bullseye shooting supplies

Post by chiz1180 Sun 13 Feb - 5:01

Red Feather Outfitters
Champions Choice
Pardini USA

A few other places that have some more specialized stuff too, but can't remember them off the top of my head at the moment.

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where can I order bullseye shooting supplies Empty Re: where can I order bullseye shooting supplies

Post by RoyDean Sun 13 Feb - 5:44

I had the good fortune to visit UniqueTek near Phoenix the other day - they are associated with The Shooters Box - and offer their products, apparently the Shooters Box owner has been ill and responses may be slow.

Photoescape of course.

CMM Machine for brass catchers and grip doo-dads.

Pilk guns - for all things air pistol and other interesting bits.

Ebay can be hard work, but there are some gems to be found.

Neil Supp? Sorry, names!


I've bought from dozens of others, but names escape me!


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