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Crimp for Undersized Bullets?

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Crimp for Undersized Bullets? Empty Crimp for Undersized Bullets?

Post by xmastershooter 7/27/2013, 4:37 pm

My crimp has been .469 with .452 diameter bullets while using WCC brass only and has worked fine. Has anyone experienced using a tighter crimp for a slightly undersized bullet of say .4515 and have seen an improvement on accuracy at 50 yards? 




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Crimp for Undersized Bullets? Empty Re: Crimp for Undersized Bullets?

Post by DavidR 7/29/2013, 10:40 am

I load a 160 lswc that is.451 crimped at .469 and they are very accurate, i have crimped them as tight as .467 but never saw a difference but have not ransome tested to see which was better.

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Crimp for Undersized Bullets? Empty Re: Crimp for Undersized Bullets?

Post by Toz35m 7/31/2013, 12:50 pm

If you have a rest the best way is to test.  I am not a statistician but to get proper results you may have to have 2-3 10 shot groups of each crimp.  I would generate the same load and only change the crimp size.  I would also make sure your bullets are as consistent as possible to remove that as a source of error in your experiment.  Weight and shape of the base are things to check.  20-30 rounds of each crimp from say .469 down to .463.  See what results you get.  Also track crono results.

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Crimp for Undersized Bullets? Empty Re: Crimp for Undersized Bullets?

Post by Jack H 7/31/2013, 2:07 pm

I really do not have time to use our Ransom.  If I can arm rest them into the 10 ring, I am happy.

 (50 yd 10 ring that is.  The avatar is TF)
Jack H
Jack H

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