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Here's a bad day-

F. Paul Figlia
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Here's a bad day- Empty Here's a bad day-

Post by jwax 6/10/2011, 10:37 pm


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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

Post by FaisalYamin 6/10/2011, 10:50 pm

Seriously ... Twice... affraid

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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

Post by F. Paul Figlia 6/10/2011, 10:53 pm

Yep - that was a baaaaad day

F. Paul Figlia

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Location : Evergreen, Colorado


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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

Post by Tactical Logic 6/12/2011, 6:49 am

Can that be real.... Man- that would totally suck! He better stop shaking his fist at GOD....LOL
Tactical Logic
Tactical Logic

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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

Post by Frank_S 6/13/2011, 7:46 pm

With his luck he should buy a lottery ticket.


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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

Post by F. Paul Figlia 6/13/2011, 10:15 pm

Frank_S wrote:With his luck he should buy a lottery ticket.

Uh uh ...with that kind of luck he'd get fried as soon as he left the convenience store with the winning ticket in his crispy little hand.

F. Paul Figlia

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Location : Evergreen, Colorado


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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

Post by Bruce in ND 6/17/2011, 10:39 pm

Reminds me of the guy whose whole life was filled with bad days like this. Anyway, he finally dies and meets God. At that time he asks God why his life was so miserable, to which God replies, "Johnson, there's just something about you that chaps my ass."
Bruce in ND
Bruce in ND

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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

Post by Al 6/20/2011, 10:49 am

Hey Bruce,
Good to see you made it over to the new forum.
Al Schirado


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Here's a bad day- Empty Re: Here's a bad day-

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