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Question for the old timers

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Question for the old timers Empty Question for the old timers

Post by Kermit Workman 3/7/2022, 9:56 pm

It is my understanding that at Camp Perry( ??? to something like the 1960's ) the DCM furnished both pistols and ammo for the P100, NTI and NTT matches. And IIRC a match pistol could be loaned to civilian competitors at Camp Perry to shoot the NRA matches if they so desired.  
 I started shooting in 1980 and at that time the CMP/DCM furnished the ammo for the DCM matches but each competitor furnished their own pistol. CMP matches were restricted to National Championship, State Championships and Regional Matches when I started shooting. 
 My Question is : Did DCM loan pistols to the State Associations for the State and Regional Matches? Or did a competitor need to furnish their own pistol?
 I remember that match M-14's were loaned to State Associations but were pistol included?
Also when did the National Guard stop scoring competitors targets at Camp Perry?

Kermit Workman

Posts : 157
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 69
Location : Lenore, WV

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Question for the old timers Empty Re: Question for the old timers

Post by NYKenn 3/8/2022, 8:41 am

National Match 1911's, were available for competitor use at least through 1985 as I signed them out and used them. Needed to go to the offices in the complex next door (over the tracks) to obtain the paperwork before going to the warehouse and borrowing them. At that time, the state association did have M-1 Garands on loan for both High Power and Junior activities. I was the state pistol director for NY, and inquired of DCM about loan of pistols for State Championships, etc., on behalf of the state association.  As expected, it was a flat NO, due to the myriad of State, and Federal gun laws, especially state laws that required licensing. 

Cannot state for a fact, but believe the level of military support of target changing and scoring for the National Matches ended in 1968.


Posts : 159
Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : New York


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