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Slide Mod for shooting Aimpoint 9000

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Slide Mod for shooting Aimpoint 9000 Empty Slide Mod for shooting Aimpoint 9000

Post by Jon Eulette 3/11/2022, 10:38 pm

If your shooting factory ammunition or warmer hand loads your pistol should have no problem running the 9000.
If your wanting to shoot reduced loads then that’s another story.
I lightened this slide to help it run lighter loads. Lightened cuts removed around 2 ounces.
The optic rail conceals the cuts. So unless someone told you, you would never know.
This pistol is pretty snug. I ran 3.5 BE with 185 button nose bullets and it barely functioned. After some miles are put on it it should run them no problem. 
Slide Mod for shooting Aimpoint 9000 D71fd110
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Join date : 2013-04-15
Location : Southern Kalifornia

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Slide Mod for shooting Aimpoint 9000 Empty Re: Slide Mod for shooting Aimpoint 9000

Post by chopper 3/12/2022, 7:03 am

That would be a good setup with the fast twist KKM, wouldn't it.


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Age : 72
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