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P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Jon Eulette
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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by Gonzocm89 3/18/2022, 1:00 am

Looking to have a custom front sight post made. Seems everyone is fixated on fiber optic sights these days.

Never thought I would be pulling teeth for a simple ramped serrated sight of a specific height and width.

If your going to say I should have bought a 1911 and I wouldn’t have these problems. Yes I already know.


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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by Jon Eulette 3/18/2022, 1:19 am

If you know the size of the dovetail (width, heigh/thickness of base and the angle) you should be able to purchase a 1911 sight and modify it to fit your slide. Pretty simple actually.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by 10sandxs 3/18/2022, 7:03 am

Dawson precision has the pattern for the 210. Im not sure if sig uses the same cut for all thier "P" series pistols,  but a call to them will probably get you a front sight of the correct dimensions. Might be a few weeks, but they've done custom configurations for me in the past, even above what you can do on the website, which is considerable.




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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by Gonzocm89 3/18/2022, 8:09 am

I ordered one from Dawson already. I have a feeling it’s going to be too thick as it is .005 wider than the factory post. I’m just hoping that’s small enough it does t affect the light to sight ratio too much.

I heard from a little birdie that Dawson stopped machining custom sights during covid, but might be starting to take orders sometime soon.


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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by tovaert 3/18/2022, 8:20 am

The Dawson replacement is fine. I installed it in my P210A in place of the green fiber optic front sight. I did not notice the 0.005" thickness difference.


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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by Gonzocm89 3/18/2022, 9:02 am

Tovaert, do you remember your part number for yours? Mine was 021-585. It is not on their website so you have to call them to get it. The factory front sight blade measures 0.165 Tall by 0.140 wide, but the replacement is 0.180 tall and 0.145 wide. I’m hoping I don’t notice but I fear it will fill up the whole notch with barely any light at all.


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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by Gonzocm89 3/22/2022, 9:33 pm

Conclusion time.

I haven’t found anyone other than Dawson who currently offers a solid front sight for the P210A Target. If you want appropriate traditional “Target Sights” on a P210 you will either have to call Dawson and ask for Part Number 021-585 or buy a German P210 Legend “Target” model as they seem to have a solid front sight from what I can tell.

Here are photos of my P210A looking like a target service pistol should. It is what I use when I shoot EIC matches and trigger breaks at 4lbs 8 ounces (Thanks to an old thread from Tovaert)

Image of sight picture. Hard to get the camera to focus with full extended arm. Light bars may be too small for some but I definitely know when I’m centered or even off center by a small margin.


My P210A Target as it currently sits. Only thing I don’t like about the grips from armorycraft is the screw is fully threaded and undersized. A little heat shrink can protect your frames finish from thread abrasion. Also there is a bit of gap where you can see the mainspring but who cares. They feel great and sweaty hands don’t slip.

Front sight is ramped and serrated. Very slightly ramped and very finely serrated. Don’t know if that’s good or bad until I get on the firing line and take it for a spin around a course of fire. But sometimes keeping it simple is best.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2022-03-17
Age : 35

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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by Mainiac 3/25/2022, 7:29 pm

I bought some .040 black tubes for my front.take out the green install black,,easy


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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by thor 3/25/2022, 8:08 pm

Mainiac wrote:I bought some .040 black tubes for my front.take out the green install black,,easy

Wow I like that idea, a lot! KISS … where does one find / order .040 black tubes?


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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by Mainiac 3/28/2022, 4:40 pm

Think i found it on amazon.black,green,and orange,,,,not much money.


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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

Post by thor 3/29/2022, 9:28 pm

Mainiac wrote:Think i found it on amazon.black,green,and orange,,,,not much money.

I am coming up empty on Amazon (everywhere online really; I found HiViz black rods only they are in .060); if you ever happen to lock down where you were able to locate and order black .040 tubes, please keep me in mind! Smile  Thanks again!

3/30/22 @ 9am ETA


Found some!



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P210 Target Sights. Help?! Empty Re: P210 Target Sights. Help?!

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