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Thinking of selling Benelli MP95E

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Thinking of selling Benelli MP95E Empty Thinking of selling Benelli MP95E

Post by ex-nyer 3/26/2022, 11:00 am

I am thinking of selling my Benelli MP95E that I purchased new in 1995.  I have the case, manual, spare firing pin, and 2 - 9 shot mags.  The gun is in excellent condition, I no longer shoot competitively.  What do you think this is worth?  It is NOT an Atlanta model, not sure exactly that that means.  I have original invoice, does that add to it?  Would you sell a gun with original invoice?  I think that maybe an issue as it does have personal information on it.



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Join date : 2022-03-24

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Thinking of selling Benelli MP95E Empty Re: Thinking of selling Benelli MP95E

Post by Coupebuilder 3/26/2022, 2:13 pm

Seems to be selling in around 800-1100 lately , 800 range 2-3 yrs ago. Original box etc make them more saleable but potential lack or readily available parts may be a drawback. Good luck with it!


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Join date : 2021-10-20

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Thinking of selling Benelli MP95E Empty Re: Thinking of selling Benelli MP95E

Post by ex-nyer 3/26/2022, 2:48 pm

Thanks, that is what I was thinking.  Love the gun but not shooting it and I know someone into Bullseye would love to have it.


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Join date : 2022-03-24

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