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Rear site for Ruger MKII

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Rear site for Ruger MKII Empty Rear site for Ruger MKII

Post by Tom Stewart Fri 1 Apr - 15:27


I have a new shooter friend who shoots well for a newbee, with my guns. He has a Ruger MKII that he wants to improve and use and the current rear site is very loose. He asked me for a suitable replacement and I am not a Ruger guy so I thought to put this out there. Are there options other than a factory replacement?

Any suggestions appreciated. BTW he wants to continue with irons for now. As an old guy, I wont argue with that.

Thanks-Tom in Oregon

Tom Stewart

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Rear site for Ruger MKII Empty Re: Rear site for Ruger MKII

Post by Jack H Fri 1 Apr - 15:33


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Jack H

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Rear site for Ruger MKII Empty Ruger MKII Rear SIght

Post by Roddy Toyota Sat 2 Apr - 10:48


If you want a good Target Rear Sight for the MKII, here's some pix of the ones that I install on the Ruger's.  Mine is the only Rear Sight that moves the Sight almost 1/2" further back than the Factory replacements.  I do have to make a couple small mods to the Ruger Receiver to accommodate the Locking Lever and the Rear Sight Target Blade.  Let me know if you'd like further explanations.  Also, on your friend's loose rear sight, it may be possible that the Rear Sight Locking Screw is just loose.  The Ruger Adjustable Rear Sights are all made at the factory with a smaller Dovetail part of the Sight Base.  This makes factory installation easier than "hard fitting" the Sight into the receiver dovetail.  What holds the Rear Sight onto the pistol is a 6x48 slotted head screw that is visible on the top of the Rear Sight.  It's possible your rear sight merely needs this screw tightened up.

Rear site for Ruger MKII Toyota18
Rear site for Ruger MKII Toyota17
Rear site for Ruger MKII Toyota16
Roddy Toyota
Roddy Toyota

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Rear site for Ruger MKII Empty Re: Rear site for Ruger MKII

Post by Sc0 Sun 3 Apr - 19:17

The VQ sight is a nice improvement over the Ruger sight.


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Rear site for Ruger MKII Empty Re: Rear site for Ruger MKII

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