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KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear

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KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear Empty KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear

Post by Jack H 4/5/2022, 4:20 pm

I put an Ax hammer KC kit in a Range Officer along with some spring changes for a Nelson or AA conversion.  This was a great setup.  But I never liked the "ax" shape of the hammer.  I put in a Teardrop kit with no other changes.  The Teardrop's sear and the original RO safe lever do not fit together.  I put the Ax's sear in with the Teardrop hammer.  Now the safe fits again and works perfectly.

Even though this has worked, my concern is, are the hammer and sear in these KC kits matched in any way?  Is mixing sear and hammer from different sets posing any problem? 

I have not installed the Ax hammer and the Teardrop sear in any gun yet.  Actually I will sell the Ax kit if the switch is permissible. 
One option I have is having Roddy refit the RO safe to the Teardrop sear.  I probably could figure it out myself......

The question remains about mixing the kit hammers and sears.

I never could figure out the "Ax" shaped hammer anyway.  Underneath a dot scope, it is near impossible to cock.
Jack H
Jack H

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KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear Empty Re: KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear

Post by Jon Eulette 4/5/2022, 4:40 pm

I don’t believe they are matched Jack. They come as machined and cleaned up.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear Empty Re: KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear

Post by kc.crawford.7 4/6/2022, 12:50 pm

Jack, no they are not "matched" in any way at all.  The shape came from CMP requiring a spur hammer for a "ball" gun.  Of course that is not a player now.

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KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear Empty Re: KC Ax kit vs Teardrop kit, mixing hammer and sear

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