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Shooting bench height

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Shooting bench height Empty Shooting bench height

Post by urbanm84 Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:46 pm

Hi all
   I was out practicing at my clubs outdoor range, when a bunch of guys stopped by to talk. They are redoing the ranges and were watching me shoot at 50 yrds. The club has just reworked some berms for the plate shooters, so they waned some input on how to set up the range and benches. I was thrilled because I thought I might lose both the long and short line to the plate shooters.
  I am the only one I have ever seen shooting BE there. They asked for input at there next meeting from me. I'm new to this game so i know very little about the standards but I told them I would ask.
 How tall are the front benches?
Is there a standard width for each place. I have only shot two matches and they were both at the same place. There were all the same width and colored and numbered.But I don't know how tall or wide.
Thanks for any help.


Posts : 33
Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 68
Location : Comstock Park Michigan

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Shooting bench height Empty Re: Shooting bench height

Post by SMBeyer Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:08 am

Ours are 34.5 tall 31 wide and 21 deep. They are used by the indoor rifle shooters also otherwise I would have made them 36 tall. Originally they were sink cut outs and I just stuck with that general size. 

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Shooting bench height Empty Re: Shooting bench height

Post by urbanm84 Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:16 am

These will be one long benches with a walk through,with higher storage shelves behind shooters. All covered and on concrete. Do you think that might be handy?


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Age : 68
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Shooting bench height Empty Re: Shooting bench height

Post by Ira Latimer Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:00 pm

The old (1963) NRA Outdoor Range Plans manual shows the bench height at 39 inches.  This is about the height they are at our range.  We also have a concrete pad and continuous bench with an opening in the middle.  There's room for 28 shooting positions spaced 4 feet center-to-center.

Ira Latimer

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Age : 94
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