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Is my 45 dead?

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Is my 45 dead? Empty Is my 45 dead?

Post by Mark_Trulock 8/10/2013, 7:03 am

The last lot of ammo that I made had a few squibs.  I think it must be the powder because the primers went off.  I currently have a bullet that is stuck in the barrel so badly I'm having a hard time removing it.  Can a barrel survive that kind of damage?  Should I try to use it again?

On a different topic, what would cause power to go bad?  The powder went from its container to the hopper and back.  The powder was stored indoors, any ideas? 

Thanks again for your advice



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Is my 45 dead? Empty Re: Is my 45 dead?

Post by Rob Kovach 8/10/2013, 7:23 am

Your gun should be fine unless you shot another round into the obstruction.  Drive the bullet out with a cleaning rod, and try to shoot it again.

I bet you didn't drop the powder in that round and the primer put the round in the tube.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Is my 45 dead? Empty Re: Is my 45 dead?

Post by throttleup 8/10/2013, 7:29 am

Take the barrel out, clamp it in a vise and use a 7/16 " wooden dowel to hammer the bullet out the shortest way.     Was there unburned powder in the action of your gun?    Your powder measure might not be dropping a charge every time.    Powder really doesn't go bad unless contaminated with oil or water or is very old.


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Join date : 2012-02-22

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Is my 45 dead? Empty Re: Is my 45 dead?

Post by Jerry944T 8/10/2013, 8:25 am

Take a micrometer and see if the barrel is bulged at the site of the obstruction. If it isn't you're probably good to go once you drive the bullet out.  As has been mentioned a squib will not hurt a barrel unless another round is fired.
Also once the bullet is out clean the barrel well and look carefully for a dark ring. If none is present no harm no foul.


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Is my 45 dead? Empty Re: Is my 45 dead?

Post by Mark_Trulock 8/10/2013, 9:30 am

Thanks for all the ideas.  I have a small lathe that I turn pens with and I turned a hardwood dowel.  It worked fine to remove the bullet.  The dowel is going in my gun box.
Thanks again


Posts : 23
Join date : 2012-10-14
Location : Chicago

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