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Laser Cartridge Training

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Laser Cartridge Training Empty Laser Cartridge Training

Post by Kermit Workman Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:03 pm

There are several laser training cartridges on the market now for slow fire training. They use a laser activated by the firing pin that projects on a target. The hits are recorded by cell phone or tablet. Much of the software is free. Laser cartridges are $25 to $90 .
 So who has tried these and are they of any benefit? What brand is best for Bullseye slow fire? Durability?
Many have bells and whistles for the run and gun that I am not interested in.
Any comments appreciated.

Kermit Workman

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Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 69
Location : Lenore, WV

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Laser Cartridge Training Empty Re: Laser Cartridge Training

Post by farmboy Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:17 am

My experience was they are not accurate or consistent enough for BE training. IMHO would do more harm than good to a new shooter trying to learn the fundamentals and learning to call their shots.

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Laser Cartridge Training Empty Re: Laser Cartridge Training

Post by bullseye67 Tue Apr 26, 2022 6:42 pm

Hi, I use a LaserLyte with a piece of 2-way tape on my Pardini HP with the CF 32S&W barrel. The LaserLyte uses an accelerometer to activate the laser. When the hammer falls the vibration from the hammer strike activates the laser. I use it at 10M as I have a 10M shooting lane for air pistol. Seems to work good. It does give really good follow through training. If I am not perfectly smooth with follow through it will not mark a 10 but the lowest place/score as the laser stops on the target.  Of course YMMV…


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