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Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by jesse.farmer 6/24/2011, 8:05 am

Curious if anyone has shot one of these and how it compares to a traditional bullseye 1911?


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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by Carlos Cancio 6/24/2011, 2:22 pm

The pardini gt45 is totally different to a regular 1911, as it has a fully adjustable two stage trigger and a double stacked angled grip, typical of european guns. The accuracy is excellent out of the box, i have never done a ransom rest test, but you can easily call your shots at 50yd. The gun is super reliable, at least mine, malfunctions are rare, mostly due to the gun being dirty. I have had mine for more than five years, thousands of rounds through it with no major issues. I will recommend the pardini as a capable and reliable gun.

Carlos Cancio

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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by jesse.farmer 6/24/2011, 2:27 pm

Carlos: Would you take the GT-45 over a customized bullseye 1911? Do you find magazines and spares hard to find / expensive?

Thanks for your insight!


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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by Carlos Cancio 6/24/2011, 6:30 pm

Well, I have both and use the Pardini basically all the time, but that is a matter of personal taste, practice will make the difference not the gun. Spare parts are expensive, magazines are close to $75 each.

Carlos Cancio

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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by FaisalYamin 6/28/2011, 7:13 pm

I haven't seen those on the line in years, they used to be popular but never caught on. 1911 rules Smile

I would stick with the 1911, just because they are accurate and easy to maintain.

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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by Sunil P Verma 7/8/2011, 8:19 am

How much bigger is the grip compared to the 1911. What type of competition was the GT-45 designed for that it needs to be double stack. Thanks.

Sunil P Verma

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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by FaisalYamin 7/8/2011, 9:59 am

Its been a while, a dear (late) friend used to own and shoot, he tried a lot of modification but it didn't work out.
It was designed for some European competition and speed shooting.
Trigger was highly adjustable but accuracy was not there for BE.

If I remember correctly and had to compare it, it felt like a 92Fs as far as grip is concerned.

Not worth the trouble and experimentation, time can be spent better improving with a 1911.

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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by Carlos Cancio 7/8/2011, 10:19 pm

Well, at least mine has enough accuracy to clean targets with ease. I have never used a ransom on it, but shots at fifty seem to be on call, to me it is an accurate gun with lots of adjustments and really reliable. Custom guns could be more accurate, but the Pardini will hold the 10 ring at 50 yards with good ammo.

Carlos Cancio

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Age : 54
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Pardini GT-45 - experiences? Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 - experiences?

Post by FaisalYamin 7/8/2011, 11:08 pm

If it works it works Smile

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