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Slow FireProblems

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Slow FireProblems Empty Slow FireProblems

Post by Kermit Workman Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:01 pm

I was Classified a Master and have been absent from the game for 7-8 years. I am trying to get back into it. I am having fits with my slow fire. I am shooting miserable shots and calling them good. I know the equipment is good and accurate. Today at the range I shot slow fire scores on a reduced 25 yard target of 78,75,66 (with a visable miss). These scores have been all summer. I will call a 3 o'clock nine at it will be a 7 o'clock 6. I never see see the bad shot leave the gun. I have change my shot procedure and any thing I try does not help. When I shot the 66 today I called all shots within the 8 ring. I shot a VM ,a 5,6,6,6...etc.
 It also seems my .45 scores are quite a bit better than my .22 scores. I know the .22 is accurate. I have benched the gun and there is no problem. I occasionally see a bad shot but 90% of the bad shots I can not call.
Give me some advice. What am I doing wrong? Slow fire used to be one of my strong points.

Kermit Workman

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Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 69
Location : Lenore, WV

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Slow FireProblems Empty Re: Slow FireProblems

Post by Rob Kovach Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:10 pm

I can call my shots very well, and if the dot is moving a lot when the shot breaks, the shot hits farther out than the dot was.
How steady is your hold?
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Slow FireProblems Empty Re: Slow FireProblems

Post by Kermit Workman Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:12 am

My hold at present is not what it was of the past. I used to be able to hold 9-10 ring. Now it it is mostly 8 ring. The length or time of my steady hold is a lot shorter than in years past. I do have some erratic movement where the dot "jumps" out into the white. I  abort the shot if that happens. It may be medications  but I just can not figure it out. From 1980 to 2004 you could probably count the visible misses I had on one hand. The first score I shot in my life was 819 with the .22. I can't remember a match that I shot under 800(once I got a tuned .45) unless there was a double alibi.
 This summer I bet I have shot 15 Visible misses with tons of 5's and 6's. I shoot at least one VM every practice and I don't see them leaving the gun.
 What gets me is I call a shot good and it is a 5 or 6. I just can't figure it out.

Kermit Workman

Posts : 157
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 69
Location : Lenore, WV

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Slow FireProblems Empty Re: Slow FireProblems

Post by Jack H Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:25 am

Try some shooting from a rest with the gun and arm supported to test mostly your trigger.  Then try arm support with the gun not supported.
Jack H
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Slow FireProblems Empty Re: Slow FireProblems

Post by SMBeyer Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:25 am

When shots aren't going to call for me I it's usually follow thru. Make sure you have a smooth squeeze and stay with the shot all the way thru recoil and back to the target. You might be giving up on the shot. 

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Slow FireProblems Empty Re: Slow FireProblems

Post by rvlvrlvr Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:58 pm

SMBeyer wrote:When shots aren't going to call for me I it's usually follow thru. Make sure you have a smooth squeeze and stay with the shot all the way thru recoil and back to the target. You might be giving up on the shot. 
I second this; if I notice I'm screwing up on followthrough, I'll start practicing with my revolvers (and even air pistol) again until the problem goes away. With those guns, ANY issue with followthrough is magnified quite a bit and shows up on the target.

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Slow FireProblems Empty Re: Slow FireProblems

Post by Kermit Workman Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:02 pm

I think I have discovered my problem. I was settled in my hold area and began my trigger squeeze. When the shot did not break and my hold was extended I subconsciously was jerking the trigger and gripping the weapon. I reckon my brain was shutting down and I never seen the dot move.
 Just got to work on it now. I found it by using a firearm with a light trigger.

Kermit Workman

Posts : 157
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 69
Location : Lenore, WV

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