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How do we post pictures here?

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How do we post pictures here? Empty How do we post pictures here?

Post by sixftunda 8/19/2013, 7:45 pm

Can someone provide instructions for this?

Thank you!

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How do we post pictures here? Empty Re: How do we post pictures here?

Post by DavidR 8/20/2013, 10:26 am

Hit reply to a subject then open the browse box, its the icon above the reply box  with what looks like two pictures then search for your image on your computer then open it and click "host" when the text shows up copy and click the icon next to the two picture one that looks like one picture and paste in the box and hit insert.

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How do we post pictures here? Empty Re: How do we post pictures here?

Post by LongSlide 8/20/2013, 4:31 pm

How do we post pictures here? Riddle12

How do we post pictures here? Gorill10


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Join date : 2013-08-09

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How do we post pictures here? Empty Picture posting test.....

Post by ST BERNARD 1/15/2017, 3:01 pm

How do we post pictures here? Dscn0711
How do we post pictures here? Dscn0712


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How do we post pictures here? Empty Re: How do we post pictures here?

Post by ST BERNARD 1/15/2017, 3:03 pm

#@%^!!....doubled up somehow. Now have to figure out what I did.


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How do we post pictures here? Empty Re: How do we post pictures here?

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