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Service Pistol EIC at the National Matches

bruce martindale
Jon Eulette
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Service Pistol EIC at the National Matches - Page 2 Empty Service Pistol EIC at the National Matches

Post by spaatz1644 Thu Jun 23, 2022 9:52 am

First topic message reminder :

I'm planning my trip to the National Matches in 2023. Typically there's a service pistol EIC on the schedule the day before the NTI and P100. I don't see it there anymore. I'm hoping this is an accidental omission, but I know I'm probably wrong. I sent CMP an email but haven't received a response.

There's so few pistol EIC matches that are big enough to award more than a single six point leg, it would be a real shame to see that match disappear. Anyone have any insight?


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Service Pistol EIC at the National Matches - Page 2 Empty Re: Service Pistol EIC at the National Matches

Post by Colt711 Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:31 pm

I lived near Perry for many yrs moving to FL in 2003. Early on there were only 3 EIC matches within easy driving distances; Bristol, Canton, and Perry.  I only learned of "hard legs" recently. I guess it never came up as they all were. Later a fourth match, State Match, then @ Canton was added. Unsure whether it was a Hard leg or not. 

In those days there were  quite a few more pistol shooters. The discipline was referred to as "Pistol" since it was the only pistol game available. Matches were listed as such in the "Rifleman".

Current shooters have an advantage in that there are quite a few more matches, but a disadvantage, in that there are fewer shooters.

I can understand the disappointment being expressed here at the loss of the VP100. It must be hard for some to get enough vacation time to catch Canton, Perry, Atterbury, and Cardinal. Which brings up the question; how many chances ( EIC Matches ) is a shooter allowed? In those earlier days shooters were limited to 3. 

This is offerred as history, w/no opinion as to how it "should be".

Ron Habegger


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