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Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry?

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Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry? Empty Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry?

Post by Chase Turner Mon Jun 27, 2022 6:29 pm


Perhaps I've missed it on the program, but I was wondering if there was going to be a competitor feedback meeting at Perry this year. Does anyone have the scoop on whether there will be one or not?


Chase Turner

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Join date : 2019-11-15

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Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry? Empty Re: Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry?

Post by SteveT Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:12 am

I have no inside info, but that was an NRA meeting. I don't remember CMP having one last year. NRA did have one at Atterbury.

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Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry? Empty Re: Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry?

Post by james r chapman Tue Jun 28, 2022 9:21 am

Jim Henderson has been very responsive to queries involving CMP pistol.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry? Empty Re: Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry?

Post by chiz1180 Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:21 pm

If I recall correctly, last year the CMP sent out a competitor survey. Could have been for their air matches though, a lot has happened between then and now.

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Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry? Empty Re: Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry?

Post by Chase Turner Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:41 pm

Just wanted to make sure if there was an opportunity to chat with the CMP personnel about the future plans/state of the sport that I wouldn't miss it.

Agree, Jim H. has been great!

My two wishes, for anyone wondering why I'd like to chat with the CMP in an open forum and see what other competitors thought, and gather feedback:

1) Include a Short Course match as separate and distinct from a club match, which is the only way one is presently able to shoot on reduced targets for record. Justification: The short course records should be considered differently than full course, in the same way 22 only is considered separate and distinct from CF/45 match records. What's needed: a change in a database table to allow for the new value, and potentially new or updated scorecards.

2) Include a bubble for "Revolver" as firearm of choice in a match. Justification: here again, wheel guns are different enough in form and function that it is very much like the difference between aluminum v wood bats, or wood v carbon fiber golf club shafts. I also believe it would challenge shooters and draw more interest in our marksmanship sport, as well as considering records as stand alone from the bottom feeders that dominate. What's needed: a change in a database table to allow for the new value, and potentially new or updated scorecards.


Chase Turner

Posts : 385
Join date : 2019-11-15

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Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry? Empty Re: Competitor Feedback Meeting at Perry?

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