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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Jon Eulette
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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by prl01 Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:07 am

Hi, as per the issf handbook are we allowed to mount a specific size front sight to our air pistol. For example standard steyr air pistol comes with 5mm front sight. Can we change it to 4mm or 3mm? Thanks Smile


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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by Jon Eulette Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:23 am

Yes you can change it.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by chopper Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:46 am

Jon Eulette wrote:Yes you can change it.
 Would we change the front sight to make it easier to see the white spaces on each side of it, my LP-1 has adjustment screws that change the space width. I imagine it has to do with the area we aim at whether it's center, six, or sub-six.


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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by NukeMMC Mon Jul 11, 2022 12:05 pm

You change the front sight to "fit" the aiming black, whether 6-o'clock, sub-6 or center.  What width you use is based on trial and error for YOU and what you find works best.  As you said, you change the rear sight blades for how much "white" you carry between front and rear sights.

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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by Sa-tevp Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:39 pm

Sometimes you have to change the sights by height to use a sub-6 or center hold sight picture and still have adjustment range with the rear sight.

I like trying the range of sights Steyr offers for their air pistols. Narrow to be relaxed inside the aiming area? Wide to be precise? Deep notch? Shallow Notch? Wide gap between front sight and rear? Narrow gap?

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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by chopper Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:07 pm

Sa-tevp wrote:Sometimes you have to change the sights by height to use a sub-6 or center hold sight picture and still have adjustment range with the rear sight.

I like trying the range of sights Steyr offers for their air pistols. Narrow to be relaxed inside the aiming area? Wide to be precise? Deep notch? Shallow Notch? Wide gap between front sight and rear? Narrow gap?
 I see what you mean, I don't know what a deep or shallow notch would be for.


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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by Sa-tevp Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:31 pm

chopper wrote:
Sa-tevp wrote:Sometimes you have to change the sights by height to use a sub-6 or center hold sight picture and still have adjustment range with the rear sight.

I like trying the range of sights Steyr offers for their air pistols. Narrow to be relaxed inside the aiming area? Wide to be precise? Deep notch? Shallow Notch? Wide gap between front sight and rear? Narrow gap?
 I see what you mean, I don't know what a deep or shallow notch would be for.

An ISSF type concept: The notch gaps matches the sub-6 gap.

Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) 20220710

(From the MEC Pistol Shooting - The Olympic Disciplines book. https://shop.mec-shot.com/buch-pistol-shooting.html?___store=mec_shop_en&___from_store=mec_shop_de )

Edit: Good book, lots of good details, some SCATT ad promo, lots of useful images. You still have to shoot even if you own good books.

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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by Jack H Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:38 pm

Sa-tevp wrote:
chopper wrote:
Sa-tevp wrote:Sometimes you have to change the sights by height to use a sub-6 or center hold sight picture and still have adjustment range with the rear sight.

I like trying the range of sights Steyr offers for their air pistols. Narrow to be relaxed inside the aiming area? Wide to be precise? Deep notch? Shallow Notch? Wide gap between front sight and rear? Narrow gap?
 I see what you mean, I don't know what a deep or shallow notch would be for.

An ISSF type concept: The notch gaps matches the sub-6 gap.

Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) 20220710

(From the MEC Pistol Shooting - The Olympic Disciplines book. https://shop.mec-shot.com/buch-pistol-shooting.html?___store=mec_shop_en&___from_store=mec_shop_de )

Edit: Good book, lots of good details, some SCATT ad promo, lots of useful images. You still have to shoot even if you own good books.

I missed this first time through.  It is just like I call framing the front sight with the black and rear blade. Framing to me is not unlike the concentric circle thing with scopes.  I do prefer a deeper notch so the front sight appears more square as opposed to wide rectangle.  More to look at I guess
There is one thing about center hold when I try it.  I need to concentrate more to see the front sight against the black.  Lighting matters
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Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting) Empty Re: Front sight size adjustments (issf pistol shooting)

Post by Sa-tevp Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:30 pm

My preference also. I think it is great to be able to try lots of combinations to see what works best for me.

It's also fun to have a Gomez Adams moment and try a U rear sight. I put one on my TOZ-35M to test.

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