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Iron sights front and rear sight width

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Iron sights front and rear sight width Empty Iron sights front and rear sight width

Post by Sa-tevp 9/1/2013, 12:03 pm

I posting to ask the group what their front and rear sight width preferences are.

My 10 meter air pistol came with three widths of front sight blades and four widths of rear blades. I am currently using a Ruger Mark III Target and a Colt Gold Cup National Match for Bullseye, and had to widen the rear notches on both rear sights to get some light around the front blades. Both have 0.125" front blades, and the Ruger has a 0.175" notch and the Colt a 0.165" notch for a 1-2-1 sight picture. I've configured the air pistol to match the Bullseye pistols for practice purposes.

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Iron sights front and rear sight width Empty Re: Iron sights front and rear sight width

Post by Sa-tevp 8/9/2017, 8:51 pm

Figured I'd bump this due to some current discussions.

I have found myself agreeing with the International shooters for iron sight picture but also like a deep gap. Something I like about free pistols and air pistols is the sight options the manufacturers offer.


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Iron sights front and rear sight width Empty Re: Iron sights front and rear sight width

Post by robert84010 8/9/2017, 9:24 pm

The best factory set of irons I have are on my FAS 602. front is.155"/rear is .180" roughly.   4mm/4.5mm. To my eye it is almost a 1-1-1 ratio. LOTS of light on each side. They line up just fine to me.

I have no idea about what ratio I need but I do know I need enough. If I can't see a "good" amount of light on each side I get out the file.


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Iron sights front and rear sight width Empty Re: Iron sights front and rear sight width

Post by 243winxb 8/10/2017, 6:04 pm

The sight radius  would seem to come into play here.

I made the front sight smaller on a Ruger MK1  5 1/2 bull barrel years ago. Thinking it would help with  ISU rapid fire . It didnt.

Slow fire Bullseye scores went down. Replace it with an original Ruger front sight. 

I know what  you mean with air pistol sights.  Had a feinwerkbau 65 back in the day.  Many adjustment on that one.

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Iron sights front and rear sight width Empty Re: Iron sights front and rear sight width

Post by Russ OR 8/10/2017, 6:28 pm

Pre-2000 Browning Buckmark 5'5" "Target" model (sight hoods removed). The front sight width is adjustable; I prefer the narrowest setting.  -- Adjustable by turning the blade, then tightening the set screw.  --   Russ

Russ OR

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