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Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911

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Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911 Empty Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911

Post by scrum derringer Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:38 am

As the outdoor season winds down and my indoor iron sights league gears up, I was messing around with my new to me Clark ".38 heavy slide" that has a Bo mar tuner. It is probably due for a spring(s) change, because I am able to rack the slide  one handed(on a cocked hammer), kind of like a reverse shotgun pump you see in the movies, and it will even load a round(dummy round). When I have shot it, I didn't pay too much attention to how the brass was flinging or anything. It functioned alright as far as I can tell. I know that the round is a puff load and it needs to move a lot of mass, but I am guessing the recoil spring needs to be a little more firm then that. If anyone with a similar set up that knows their spring weight, any advice would be appreciated.
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911 Empty Re: Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911

Post by DavidR Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:19 am

regular 1911  spring will work, wolff variable 10 or 11lb should be about right for a 38.

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Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911 Empty Re: Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911

Post by Rodger Barthlow Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:21 am

I have a Lueteneger 1911 .38 spl and I use a 10lb spring in it.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911 Empty Re: Springs for Clark .38 spl. 1911

Post by scrum derringer Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:16 pm

Follow up and for future reference: I tried an 11# spring I had on hand from RRA, and 2.7 g of BE worked well - 3g of WST worked but the cases blooped out only about 2", too close for comfort.
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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Location : Menomonee Falls, WI

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