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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System

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Will an ON-DEMAND Turning Target system improve your scores

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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Vote_lcap21%TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Vote_rcap 21% 
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Total Votes : 23
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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Empty TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System

Post by 10XT 8/21/2022, 12:10 pm

Portable, compact, self contained, self powered, WiFi generating, [i][u]Cell Phone or Tablet controlled Target Turning System
Programmed for Drills, Bullseye and ISSF matches
Good for Indoor and outdoor ranges
Dry practice at home
Sync 2 – 10 units to:
Team training; and or
Run matches
Low cost, reliable, rugged
Contact: Mahesh Reddy, 203-880-9231 or order at: www.tenxtrainer.com

https://i.servimg.com/u/f47/17/07/08/60/thumbn10.jpgTenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Thumbn10
TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Attachment
Ten X Trainer 3.pdf You don't have permission to download attachments.(2.6 Mb) Downloaded 32 times


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Join date : 2022-06-09

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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Empty Re: TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System

Post by 10XT 8/21/2022, 12:19 pm


We are happy to introduce a system that will synchronize your Phycological and Physiological impulses.  Most train with static target systems and then underperform in a "turning target match".  Our product, TENXTRAINER is designed to train like you shoot at a match.

The TenXTrainer can be used for Dry Practice/Training or Live Training.

Very affordable and easy to adapt to your indoor or outdoor range.

Setup time is less than 3 minutes.

The TenXTrainer is portable, self-contained with a 20 hour battery.  No internet, or external WiFi needed.  ALL, TRULY SELF CONTAINED

TenXTrainer is an option in Bullseye Match APP.  Go to Settings, Choose TenXTrainer in Turning Targets.

Call us: 203-880-9231


Posts : 4
Join date : 2022-06-09

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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Empty Re: TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System

Post by Founder 8/21/2022, 1:25 pm


Mahesh was on Commercial Row at Camp Perry this year and the Wisconsin shooters bought 4 of his target turners. They are great. Stay tuned for some videos.

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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Empty Re: TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System

Post by pgg 8/21/2022, 5:09 pm

I bought one while at Perry this year also. I have only used it a few times so far, but it has worked well. I'm sure I'll use it every time I practice now.


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Join date : 2015-11-21

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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Empty Re: TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System

Post by AlexAlphabet 8/25/2022, 10:36 pm

Me and a buddy picked up 4 trainers at Perry this year. Practicing with a turning target instead of a beep, is taking practice to another level. 
We build frames and from standing at the 25 yard line, setting up 2 frames, to shooting was 7 min today. Well worth the effort, just a few days before our state match.


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TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System Empty Re: TenXTrainer... Rotating Target System

Post by Boxturtle 8/26/2022, 7:20 am

Your website contact page says you are in CT.  The cart says "Pickup in store, Virginia."  Where in Virginia?


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