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Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches

Fire Escape
Ed Hall
Jerry Keefer
Dave C.
Kermit Workman
Jon Eulette
Rodger Barthlow
Richard Ashmore
Rob Kovach
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Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches - Page 4 Empty Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches

Post by 230Ball 9/14/2013, 9:10 pm

First topic message reminder :

What's your favorite (i.e. reliable) 1911 magazine?
I'm re-entering bullseye comp after nearly two decades and remember that the weakest link with the 1911 was the magazine.  Seems like every string (back then) had an alibi.
I still have my 1911 wad and ball guns which will be forever timeless, but a total smorgasbord of magazines laying around after all of these years.  What's the latest in technology, as well as your favorites?

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Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches - Page 4 Empty Re: Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches

Post by DavidR 8/27/2015, 11:18 am

I edited my post, as you answered, IMO no, once the command to load is given, gun must remain in the shooters hand if loaded, guns placed on the bench must be unloaded and ECI put in place, but to shoot 4 and drop mag and insert new mag doesn't require you to lay the gun down

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Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches - Page 4 Empty Re: Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches

Post by Jon Eulette 8/27/2015, 11:36 am

I just looked through the rule book. The only thing described about firearms is that they must be pointed safely downrange. I've had Range Officers ask shooters to bench loaded weapons while a problem is taken care on the firing line.
Example: You forget to put your ear muffs on. The line starts firing SF match. You put loaded pistol on bench pointed down range. You put on your ear muffs and re-grasp pistol. All safely accomplished and according to the rules.

I think the BIGGEST range violation is seeing shooters attempt to clear a chamber on a stuck round. They almost always end up pointing the pistol down the firing line (right handed shooter points pistol to left).

Last edited by Jon Eulette on 8/27/2015, 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : word)
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches - Page 4 Empty Re: Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches

Post by Jack H 8/27/2015, 12:34 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:Use 1 magazine!!!!!!!
After 4th shot (5th round is in chamber) put on thumb safety and pull out magazine and reload next 5 shots. This alleviates flier from loading 1st round from magazine into chamber (typical fliers are 1st and and last round from magazine). This is how experienced Ransom Rest users get NICE groups as well!!!!!

I recall a post here a long time ago about a HM dude who loaded his single prize mag with one hand while keeping his gun grip intact.
Jack H
Jack H

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Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches - Page 4 Empty Re: Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches

Post by DavidR 8/27/2015, 12:50 pm

Well we got off track a little , back to the topic,

 Jerry, is there a mag brand  you consider better than others as to fit, function and accuracy..

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Age : 70
Location : NRA:Expert, Georgia

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Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches - Page 4 Empty Re: Preferred 1911 Mag for 2700 Matches

Post by Ed Hall 8/27/2015, 7:54 pm

In BE shooting there is no rule prohibiting putting the gun on the bench while loaded.  In International it is prohibited.  That being said, you can load the .45 magazine with one hand with only a little training, by laying it on the bench and rolling the round into the top with your thumb.

Ed Hall

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