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PPC revolver

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PPC revolver Empty PPC revolver

Post by Eindecker 10/9/2022, 8:48 pm

In the articles i can find online, and the sold guns i can find online, only 6" PPC guns seem to exist. Although aristocrat makes a 4" sight rib, and i have seen mention of J frames being turned into 4" rigs for PPC.. 

Does the 6" genuinely give that much of a performance boost if the ammunition and sights are correctly tuned on the 4" gun?


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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Allgoodhits 10/9/2022, 9:12 pm

Aristocrat also made some full length ribs to be used on an 8 3/8" bull barrel. I have one. The longer barrel provides slightly more velocity, but really only needed for hotter loads. The longer barrel typically permits a longer sight radius which usually enhances one's ability to shoot more accurately due to the longer sight radius.

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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Eindecker 10/9/2022, 9:30 pm

I currently only have a 6" 357 full lug barrel, gun weighs 40 ounce empty.  It is heavy and the felt recoil is only noticeable with full magnums. 

I have developed carpal tunnel since i purchased it, and holding it on target can be a challenge some days.


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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by RoyDean 10/9/2022, 9:32 pm

If all that you can find relating to PPC describes 6" barrel guns - sorry if I am stating the obvious - but doesn't that fact alone kinda indicate that 6" DOES make a difference.

PPC has been around for a very long time (almost as long as Jim Chapman) and a LOT of time and money and sweat went into that game along the way - for sure!


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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Eindecker 10/9/2022, 11:05 pm

Aristocrat is making 4" sights so SOMEONE is still using them somewhere.


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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Allgoodhits 10/10/2022, 6:05 am

There is a reason that for the past 100 yrs in BE, and for past 60 or so years of PPC and the past 43 yrs of Bianchi that when permitted to use a 6" Revolver most choose to do so.

In a Ranson Rest a less than 6" gun if done properly will shoot just as good as a 6" gun. However, when aligning sights come into the mix, the longer sight radius is an advantage.

If the longer barrel creates a weight or balance issue, either slab or flute the barrel. Also Aristocrat now makes a full length aluminum PPC rib.

In PPC events where a 6" is not permitted, then a full length sight rib likely isn't either.

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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by james r chapman 10/10/2022, 8:08 am

Eindecker wrote:I currently only have a 6" 357 full lug barrel, gun weighs 40 ounce empty.  It is heavy and the felt recoil is only noticeable with full magnums. 

I have developed carpal tunnel since i purchased it, and holding it on target can be a challenge some days.
If what you have is too much already, a true PPC revolver will make it worse.
Generally in the 52 ounce or heavier range.

I’d suggest sticking with a semi auto which is allowed.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Eindecker 10/11/2022, 1:13 am

aristocrat makes aluminum ribs and underlugs, and in 4" length. 

Saw an OLD OLD post on here in the for sale area of a 3" PPC revolver for "undercover" category. 

I can find pictures online of 4" PPC revovlers, but noticed fun things. 

1. always sold many years ago
2. ROUND bull barrel
3. half seem to have been "install aristocrat rib to factory barrel"


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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Allgoodhits 10/11/2022, 5:01 am

In the 70s, BoMar made a full length rib designed to be mounted to stock revolvers. I know they were made for 4 and 6 inch S&Ws.

My recall it was referred as their cover-up rib. I had one on a 4" Heavy Barrel Model 10. It attached, after drilling and tapping the top strap, cantilevered over barrel and front sight. On adjustable sight models the rear sight tang was removed first. Not sure if those required front sight removal first.

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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Allgoodhits 10/11/2022, 6:27 am

Here are 3.
Davis 6" with Aristocrat barrel. 51 oz Model 10-7. Middle

Garrett 6" with Douglas barrel by Fried and Powers rib. 53 oz. Model 10-7 . Bottom

Garrett 8 3/8" with Krieger barrel 64 oz. Model 10-8 Top PPC revolver 20221012

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PPC revolver Empty Re: PPC revolver

Post by Allgoodhits 10/11/2022, 6:49 am

I use these three for bullseye. A .22 Model 17 with Shilen barrel. .38 Model 10 with Krieger barrel .45 Model 625 with Douglas barrel. (Oops, 38 not in picture.) It is set up exactly like other two. All Garrettized by NVGW in Springfield VA. I shoot double action across the course. Top .45 It has RevUpAction hammer. Yes, both heavy. PPC revolver 20221013

Last edited by Allgoodhits on 10/12/2022, 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : additional info)

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