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anyone know what grips these are?

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anyone know what grips these are? Empty anyone know what grips these are?

Post by DIDON1972 11/26/2022, 3:06 am

anyone know what grips these are? 93bd0110
trying to figure out who makes these grips. thanks


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anyone know what grips these are? Empty Re: anyone know what grips these are?

Post by Tripscape 11/26/2022, 5:37 am

From clean cuts, finishing and type of wood looks like Altamont. However, that just can't be comfortable. I mean your middle finger is closer and on different level than the rest of them.  Usual grips strive to give more space to the middle finger and pull the rest closer, not further. Like your pinky is actually shorter, not the other way around )))


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anyone know what grips these are? Empty Re: anyone know what grips these are?

Post by DIDON1972 11/26/2022, 8:28 pm

im missing my pinky 🤪


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anyone know what grips these are? Empty Re: anyone know what grips these are?

Post by zanemoseley 11/26/2022, 8:42 pm

Those are the worst 1911 grips I've ever seen  Shocked


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anyone know what grips these are? Empty Re: anyone know what grips these are?

Post by PhotoEscape 11/26/2022, 9:57 pm

Tripscape might be correct in assuming that this is Altamont grips.  Although Altamont's Ultima Target line of grips has a thumb rest shelf.  So it might be an old version or another company that copied concept.  As for usability of such grips design for Precision Pistol, - that is very interesting question.  Typical recommended grip pressure vector comes from middle finger pressing straight back opposing the palm web between thumb and trigger finger.  Pinky and #4 fingers have very little contribution in overall grip, although important nonetheless, - see thread "feeling center" or better yet read Bruce Martindale's book on the subject (page 27 and so on in my copy, and this is were TOTO and uncurl concepts come to play!).  Same is  suggested by John Zurek (per my attendance of his clinic).  Although with JZ's arm size and strengths, two fingers might be all he needs.  Definitely no enough for me. Yet, as I'm learning how to apply Bruce's and JZ's recommendations, this type of grips are intriguing.  

With that, I'm sorry to divert from OP question.  Might be interesting to hear what Bruce Martindale has to say.


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anyone know what grips these are? Empty Re: anyone know what grips these are?

Post by swissyhawk 11/26/2022, 10:27 pm

In my search for the perfect grips, I tried a pair that is similar but has a small thumb shelf.  Now they are just part of my ever growing grip collection.  Sorry but it was so long ago when I got them that now I don’t have any idea who made them or where I bought them anyone know what grips these are? 6e12ba10


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anyone know what grips these are? Empty Re: anyone know what grips these are?

Post by bruce martindale 11/26/2022, 11:50 pm

They are pretty but pretty smooth and probably harder to use well due to up roll and pressure from the wrong fingers. Not saying you can't make them work but  BE is hard enough, you don't need to work harder

bruce martindale

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