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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Buck13 12/10/2022, 9:09 pm

First topic message reminder :

Thanks in advance and sorry for a boring question that's probably been asked a thousand times:

What would you recommend for a more-or-less turnkey new .45 that would be minimally suitable for a rookie who will probably not make it to many matches.  By turnkey I mean I'm willing to replace recoil springs, of course.  Not so sure about other springs or parts unless they're pretty easy even for someone who has no 1911 experience and only a modest ability to work on other guns.  I like reloading (although a bit less so for autos, due to the nuisance of chasing and losing brass) so it doesn't necessarily have to remain a "hardball" gun.

Ideally, out-the-door with a couple of mags and 10% tax would be around $1000, but I might be willing to go $1200 or MAYBE a little more if that makes a big difference.  I'm not genuinely on a tight budget, but I start to feel foolish paying over $1000 for a range toy unless I'm convinced it's the bee's knees.  So, feel free to suggest things at different price points if you can explain why.

Given the age of my eyes, I should probably be looking to put a halfway decent red dot sight on it, but I'm not sure I'll get that far.  I can *almost* still use irons...

Or am I asking this question wrong?


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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Buck13 12/12/2022, 1:24 am

RoyDean wrote:
Buck13. Just get a 5", please. Not a 6", not a 4". Get a 5".
I would certainly never get a SHORTER barrel!

Just curious if there was a simple explanation.  The fact that the 6" seem more available than the corresponding 5" models speaks for itself, though.  I'm just barely wise enough to know that my holding and trigger control are really all that matter, and that an extra inch of sight radius isn't going to make a bit of difference.

Anyway, I've been down the 6" pistol road.  Had an EAA Hunter 10 mm for a while a few years ago.  Trigger was pretty nice by my standards and it seemed mechanically accurate enough, but the 10 mm muzzle blast was aggravating my flinch worse than my .43 Magnum!  Since I'll probably never actually hunt with a handgun, I sold it.


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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Sa-tevp 12/12/2022, 1:35 am

RoyDean wrote:TISAS 1911. As mentioned by tovaert. Made in Turkey. Yes, surprisingly nicely made and the two I've tried shoot well. Can't go wrong at the price. I would still choose a SA A1 as the best starting point for a budget build though, simply because they are very well proven and the internals are robust enough to bear "tweaking" by a competent gunsmith.

Buck13. Just get a 5", please. Not a 6", not a 4". Get a 5".

I had an opportunity to work with a Tisas pistol (2014) and the dimensions seemed to be from a copy of a 1911 copy. In other words, not to Kuhnhausen book specifications. 

I'd favor a recent Springfield Armory pistol to build on.

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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Buck13 12/22/2022, 3:28 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:SA RO; barrel fit close enough that 0.200” slide stop pin and bushing improves things to sorta competitive pistol.
SA A1; will need everything done. Period!
Get the RO
At the moment, there are used ROs on Gunbroker in stainless and parkerized finish.  Are these acceptable as a starting gun?  Or hold out for one that's blued?

I have a Dan Wesson PM9 that's stainless, so having both of my 1911s look similar wouldn't be objectionable, if there's no practical reason not to bid on the stainless...


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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by JRV 12/22/2022, 3:40 pm

I don't remember the RO ever being blued.   Just parked and (later) available in stainless.


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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Jon Eulette 12/22/2022, 4:05 pm

Buck13 wrote:
Jon Eulette wrote:SA RO; barrel fit close enough that 0.200” slide stop pin and bushing improves things to sorta competitive pistol.
SA A1; will need everything done. Period!
Get the RO
At the moment, there are used ROs on Gunbroker in stainless and parkerized finish.  Are these acceptable as a starting gun?  Or hold out for one that's blued?

I have a Dan Wesson PM9 that's stainless, so having both of my 1911s look similar wouldn't be objectionable, if there's no practical reason not to bid on the stainless...
Avoid SS!
Get Parkerized finish. They did make RO Elite with a black coated finish that looked pretty nice.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Buck13 12/22/2022, 4:32 pm

JRV wrote:I don't remember the RO ever being blued.   Just parked and (later) available in stainless.
This claims there were blued guns.  Maybe he's wrong?



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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Buck13 12/22/2022, 4:33 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:
Buck13 wrote:
Jon Eulette wrote:SA RO; barrel fit close enough that 0.200” slide stop pin and bushing improves things to sorta competitive pistol.
SA A1; will need everything done. Period!
Get the RO
At the moment, there are used ROs on Gunbroker in stainless and parkerized finish.  Are these acceptable as a starting gun?  Or hold out for one that's blued?

I have a Dan Wesson PM9 that's stainless, so having both of my 1911s look similar wouldn't be objectionable, if there's no practical reason not to bid on the stainless...
Avoid SS!
Get Parkerized finish. They did make RO Elite with a black coated finish that looked pretty nice.
Good thing I asked before bidding.  SS harder to work on?


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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Buck13 12/22/2022, 4:34 pm

I've asked for a photo of the barrel crown to be added here:

edit:  ...which they did in a matter of minutes!  Can't complain about that.

Last edited by Buck13 on 12/22/2022, 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by Buck13 12/22/2022, 4:35 pm

Anything else to bother them about?  I'm assuming they'll have no info on round count...

Weird that it has night sights installed.  At least the night sights are probably less distracting than fiber optics.

Last edited by Buck13 on 12/22/2022, 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


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New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition - Page 2 Empty Re: New gun suggestion for Tyro/Marksman competition

Post by JRV 12/22/2022, 6:07 pm

Buck13 wrote:
JRV wrote:I don't remember the RO ever being blued.   Just parked and (later) available in stainless.
This claims there were blued guns.  Maybe he's wrong?


He was wrong, at least with respect to the 5” Target models.  Never saw a sku in any caliber for a finish other than SS or parked. 

There was a black coating offered on the Elite models.

Edit to add: 99% sure, not 100%—heavens knows whether there was a distributor exclusive or a limited run or something somewhere.  

I usually assume people that work for gun magazines know more about magazine publishing and selling adspace than they do about guns.  If it’s not quoted from a PR packet or within an author’s very specific niche, the technical info is usually wrong or poorly stated.


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