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Dworak Conversion Barrel

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Dworak Conversion Barrel  Empty Dworak Conversion Barrel

Post by Jon Eulette 12/16/2022, 6:19 pm

Does anyone know what barrel blank Dworak used on his conversions?
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Dworak Conversion Barrel  Empty Re: Dworak Conversion Barrel

Post by Steve Gile 12/17/2022, 12:46 pm

I have a 3 page info pack from John Dworak that he sent us in 2002 when we purchased a couple 6” units. It shows that he used Douglas blanks for his barrels at that time.

I have since purchased another 6” complete gun from a friend who was getting out of shooting. This gun has two barrels. The original Dworak barrel is in a zip lock bag and could be a Douglas. The barrel that was, and still is in the gun was made from a micro groove blank. This I assume was like they used in the Marlin model 39A rifles years ago. It shoots pretty much the same hole at 25 yards so I have never changed it out to see how the Dworak barrel works.

I have these three pages of info and would be happy to email them to you if you would like them. Send me your request to srgile11@mchsi.com

Steve Gile

Posts : 14
Join date : 2019-04-16
Age : 76

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