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Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher

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Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher Empty Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher

Post by mikemargolis 1/2/2023, 8:59 pm

OK, totally stupid question, but I have futzed and finagled with this and I just can't get the catcher to catch the brass as it ejects out of the gun.

What is the magic position as far as height and tilt and rotation goes to make the shell go in the bag?

Anyone got some help for me before outdoor season starts again!?


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Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher

Post by chopper 1/2/2023, 10:27 pm

Start with net close then move it away where you want.


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Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher

Post by mikemargolis 1/3/2023, 6:39 am

chopper wrote:Start with net close then move it away where you want.
I have tried every position I can think of, and it catches perhaps 25% of the shells. I've even tried slo-mo video.

That is why I was asking for GT45 owners who have experience with this, vs a general how-to.

Thanks for your reply.


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Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher

Post by DA/SA 1/3/2023, 6:45 am

If the ejection pattern is that erratic, you might have other issues.

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Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher

Post by Oleg G 1/3/2023, 6:56 am

My brass catcher (non-cmm) catches shells reliably when positioned close to the pistol (maybe 2 inches away). I place the catcher towards the forward end of the bench, so it is close to the ejection port. The bottom edge of the net is slightly below my hand holding the pistol. However, this is exactly the same way I position the catcher for a 1911 pistol.

Best Regards,
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher Empty Re: Pardini GT-45 and www.cm-machine.com Shell Catcher

Post by chopper 1/3/2023, 9:53 am

Mike, I do tilt the top of the net towards the pistol. I don't stretch the net tight with the 2 wires, just enough to spread the net wide, that's so the mty's don't bounce out.
 I think you're on the right track by looking into the pistol for answers, erratic ejection was a problem for me and my 1911's. I started with the extractor, proper tension, proper shape, and cleaned up. Same goes for the ejector, proper shape and length. A couple other things could be the load velocity or recoil spring. 
 Ask Pardini USA for help, but I think if you can find a gunsmith on this forum that's versed in that model you'd be better off.
 I see no reason why your pistol can't be tuned to eject into an 8"x8" square with a consistent grip and same load every time. Mine aren't tuned that way because of my different loads. I have seen a HM at a Regional have it, same place, in the net every time.


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