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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by Single_handed 1/3/2023, 12:01 pm

Greetings!  I apologize if this is not in the correct area.  I haven’t used a forum or social media in many moons.
      I live in Reno and am looking to shoot some bullseye pistol matches. I’ve been trying for a few weeks to find something and the closest I can find is a club in Carson City that fires 2 hand “bullseye” matches. But they don’t have a 2023 schedule posted as of yet.  Not exactly what I was hoping for but,  I can always just shoot them, well, single handed. 
     I’m willing to drive for a match as I know bullseye isn’t very prevalent in my area, at least to my knowledge. I’m starting my journey to my Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge and would like to attend a few real matches to train in rather than just a self administered practice.  Any help, direction or guidance is appreciated. 
I’m hoping to attend Camp Perry in 23 or 24 and am willing to drive the 8-14hrs to Vegas, Phoenix or SoCal areas for CMP sanctioned pistol EIC Matches. 
Regards and Happy New Year!

Posts : 42
Join date : 2022-12-12
Age : 39
Location : Reno, NV

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by RoyDean 1/3/2023, 12:47 pm

There is a very active club in Sacramento CA, just a couple of hours from you. I will PM you contact details tomorrow, unless someone beats me to it!


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Age : 69
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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by Asa Yam 1/3/2023, 1:58 pm

RoyDean wrote:...unless someone beats me to it!
Located in Sloughouse (SE of Sacramento).  Big facility, they held US Palma Team tryouts there around 2000. I think?  (NOTE:  The US Palma Team is a 16 shooter team event, using iron sighted rifles in .308 Winchester to shoot targets at 800, 900, and 1000 yards.)

Asa Yam

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Join date : 2018-09-15

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by robert84010 1/4/2023, 9:18 pm

There are NRA sanctioned indoor matches in Boise through the '22-'23 winter. You'll need to shoot more than just EIC matches so get ready to travel. 

contact them and they can forward the schedule.



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Join date : 2011-09-21

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by RoyDean 1/4/2023, 9:25 pm

PM sent re' Sacramento Valley Club contact.


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Join date : 2021-03-31
Age : 69
Location : Oregon

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by Single_handed 1/5/2023, 8:52 am

Asa Yam wrote:
RoyDean wrote:...unless someone beats me to it!
Located in Sloughouse (SE of Sacramento).  Big facility, they held US Palma Team tryouts there around 2000. I think?  (NOTE:  The US Palma Team is a 16 shooter team event, using iron sighted rifles in .308 Winchester to shoot targets at 800, 900, and 1000 yards.)
I’ve shot rifle there a couple times, been about 8-10 years though, nice facility. Thank you!

Posts : 42
Join date : 2022-12-12
Age : 39
Location : Reno, NV

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by Single_handed 1/5/2023, 8:57 am

RoyDean wrote:There is a very active club in Sacramento CA, just a couple of hours from you. I will PM you contact details tomorrow, unless someone beats me to it!
Received the PM, thank you very much!

Posts : 42
Join date : 2022-12-12
Age : 39
Location : Reno, NV

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

Post by 4th Corner Traveler 1/7/2023, 2:29 am

There used to be a match or matches just south of San Jose years back.  I don't remember who ran them, but that would be the outer limits of the 5 hour drive.
4th Corner Traveler
4th Corner Traveler

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Location : Just south of the Border, WA

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Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV Empty Re: Matches within 5hrs or so of Reno, NV

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