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Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s

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Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s Empty Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s

Post by Single_handed 1/26/2023, 5:07 pm

Wondering if someone can identify this badge/award/trinket I inherited from my Grandfather when he passed in 2016. He shot on the All Army Pistol Team in the late 50’s. He was stationed at Fort Ord, Ca during this time. He was also active in the Fort Ord Gun Club and traveled to Perry for the Nationals a few times. He leg’d out for his Distinguished Pistol Shot badge in 1957.  So I’m assuming this badge was awarded to him in the late 50’s. Any help would be appreciated as I also have his DPS Badge.  I grew up hearing about his “shoebox full of awards” but my father and his brothers played with and lost most of them when they were kids. So all he had left were a few he was most proud of, even so, my father and/or uncles may have gotten ahold of it based on its condition, lol. 
     I’m planning to make a shadow box for his and my own shooting accolades for my “I love me” wall and would like to know about this badge. It was glued to the frame of his Combat Infantryman’s Badge he earned in Korea along with my own CIB I had given him. So I assume it was important to him. 

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help. And if anyone knows the history of the All Army team or of the shooters from around that period, I’d love to hear that as well. A few years back while I was busy shooting the P100 or NTI (rifle) my wife met an older gentleman around commercial row. He was intrigued by her shirt (an M1 for Vets shirt).  When she introduced herself he recognized our surname and mentioned knowing a bullseye pistol shooter with that name in the 50’s.  Turns out it was in fact my Grandfather and his wife, he had shot with him at Camp Perry in the late 50’s. My wife couldn’t recall his name or if he’d even given it and we couldn’t find him after the match so I could meet him as well. Still very bummed about the missed opportunity. But, I was able to give my Grandfather my DR Badge (he had given me his pistol badge a few years prior, so my biggest goal was to return the favor) and a black hat the shooters from the AMU gave to me to present to him.  That meant the world to me and it was nice to see the old warrior perk up with pride wearing that AMU hat. 
-Rob Evans
Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s 8d26ae10

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Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s Empty Re: Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s

Post by Jon Eulette 1/26/2023, 5:11 pm

Looks like the medal that would hang from a ribbon on an award from a match. For example; each classification match winner could get a medal. If you were a SS and won .22 Slow Fire Match, there was a medal that match for the high SS. 

I have a bunch of my grandfathers medals and I'll try to remember to take a pic. I was guilty of taking NRA points instead of the medals, so I don't have any Sad

Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s Empty Re: Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s

Post by Wobbley 1/26/2023, 5:31 pm

Second the ID that it was a dangly from an old shooting medal.  These were primarily from a company called Blackinton, I believe. They’re still in business making police badges primarily.

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Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s Empty Re: Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s

Post by Single_handed 1/26/2023, 5:34 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:Looks like the medal that would hang from a ribbon on an award from a match. For example; each classification match winner could get a medal. If you were a SS and won .22 Slow Fire Match, there was a medal that match for the high SS. 

I have a bunch of my grandfathers medals and I'll try to remember to take a pic. I was guilty of taking NRA points instead of the medals, so I don't have any Sad

Thank you very much Jon.
That was what I was thinking. It didn’t look like a “participation” award based on the intricacy of the award itself for its day to me, but I have been wrong before. I have an old newspaper clipping about my grandfather having “placed 4th in the Master class, .22 caliber, Camp Perry Course of fire with a score of 296/300.” but the photo isn’t clear enough to see any of the awards themselves. 
2nd and 3rd were also 296’s and 1st was a 297.  Some hard holders!

Could possibly be from that or another like it.  But I honestly hadn’t made the connection between that article in a photo album to the award glued to the frame until you said that.

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Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s Empty Re: Vintage pistol award/ badge identification circa late 50’s

Post by r_zerr 1/26/2023, 9:56 pm

Although it may or may not have been an award from a major match, you can be pretty certain that it wasn't a participation award. In the 1950's there weren't such rewards to sooth the jittered hearts of crybabies.


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