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Walt Wilfong Has Left The Range

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Walt Wilfong Has Left The Range Empty Walt Wilfong Has Left The Range

Post by Colt711 3/4/2023, 9:47 pm

Walt, a key member of bullseye activities at The Oak Harbor Conservation Club, has reported for the final Distinguished Pistol Award. He succumbed to a lengthy bout w/ Parkinsons and dimensia. Older shooters will remember Walt from Northern Ohio BE matches. He was a regular competitor at Canton, Oak Harbor, Perry, and Adams (in Toledo) and others. He was a holder of The Distinguished Pistol Badge and President's 100. he accurized his pistols and was a strong competitor.

Walt was the driving force in the design and construction of Oak Harbor's 50 yd indoor range. A past club President, he helped protect the BE program from the club political forces which sought to cut the program.

Farewell to an old Friend!!
Ron Habegger


Posts : 645
Join date : 2012-06-07
Age : 83
Location : Hudson, Florida

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Walt Wilfong Has Left The Range Empty Re: Walt Wilfong Has Left The Range

Post by john bickar 3/5/2023, 3:03 pm

I enjoyed shooting with Walt. He was always enthusiastic, positive, and a times a bit goofy. Not a bad combination of character traits.

We are diminished.
john bickar
john bickar

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Age : 101
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Walt Wilfong Has Left The Range Empty Re: Walt Wilfong Has Left The Range

Post by Colt711 3/5/2023, 5:38 pm

john bickar wrote:I enjoyed shooting with Walt. He was always enthusiastic, positive, and a times a bit goofy. Not a bad combination of character traits.

We are diminished.
Walt & i spent Wed evenings during the summer mo's peering over sights and thru red dots at 50 yd targets. Situated behind his shop and in front of an innocent appearing pile of dirt for a bullet stop it was barely noticeable. The only visitor was a chap named Daniels.

Times that are gone but not forgotten!

Ron Habegger


Posts : 645
Join date : 2012-06-07
Age : 83
Location : Hudson, Florida

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