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Transition from .22 to CF

bruce martindale
Jon Eulette
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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Transition from .22 to CF

Post by Jon Eulette 5/4/2023, 10:13 am

Had a conversation with a buddy this morning. Topic was transitioning from .22 to CF during a match. I've always been a proponent of dry firing as much as possible between aggregates. It's your opportunity to get prepped for your next gun. Most are going from a 2#ish trigger pull to 2-1/2# or 3-1/2#. So the trigger weight and feel will be different obviously. Some pistols require a slightly different way of squeezing the trigger than other pistols. You should know this from practice/dry firing.

The hardest transition is from euro raked grip to 1911 upright grip. Funny how we forget things over the years. I predominantly shot a 208 and transition was easy. Now that I shoot MG2 it is imperative to dry fire as much as possible when switching to my 1911's. The wrist gets accustomed to being turned down during the .22 aggregate. This affects the trigger finger related muscles as well. By dry firing quick fast shots with 1911 I can get my wrist used to the change in angle and my trigger finger into action. I'm basically loosening up muscle tension and trying to get a balance between the forearm muscles; both top and bottom.

This can be practiced at home and will make it easier at the range.

So don't get caught up in talking/visiting too much between aggregates, get prepped for the CF aggregate by dry firing!

Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by chopper 5/4/2023, 11:05 am

Jon, I believe and need to dry-fire as much as possible between the pistol aggregates, they don't have that prep time for nothing. I also get at least one dry-fire when I set my gun down and come back from scoring and the line is hot, or anytime I feel the need after regripping the pistol. One thing that might help me in the long run is I changed the pull on my 22 conversion to three pounds, I feel more of the short roll now and I can pressure the trigger better. I don't see how dry-firing can ever hurt my groups, it's helped me and my finger get better acquainted. 


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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by SaraiEsq 5/4/2023, 11:33 am

(sits at Jon's feet, soaking up more wisdom for the future)

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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by bruce martindale 5/4/2023, 3:31 pm

Yes but you can't touch his robe...

Good post Jon. 

DF mixed in DURING SF is a big helper too, kind of like Remington Roulette.

bruce martindale

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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by Jon Eulette 5/4/2023, 3:35 pm


I have continued dry firing after the first stage of SF has started until comfortable with how shots are breaking. Then loading and firing for record. Obviously can't take too long Smile

Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by Skid 5/8/2023, 10:43 am

Thanks Jon I'm going to start using this method.


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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by hengehold 5/8/2023, 10:03 pm

Last year was my first full season shooting BE and had my 2.5# rimfire conversion and my service pistol 4.0#. I had countless poorly executed shots with my rimfire gun because the trigger would break before I wanted it to.

I now shoot a 4.0# trigger in all my guns (1911 CF and 1911 w/ 22 RF conversion) and the transition feels seamless. I recommend trying the heavier trigger to see how it works for you.



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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by Froneck 5/28/2023, 7:09 am

I also have a MG2, being the grips are adjustable I adjusted them to as close to 1911 as possible. While at Perry I orders and received a printed grip (MG2 grip is one piece) being busy with my other .22 as well as my 45s I didn't mount it yet. I also made conversion grips for the AW-93 that work great! (photos were posted in the forum) However first thing I do when allowed to handle the guns is to dry fire as much as time allows. Though I only use the 1911 in 45acp for both CF and 45 match I still dry fire when shooting the 45 match


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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by BE Mike 5/28/2023, 9:00 am

Years ago, adjusting to a different grip angle (Ruger MKI) to a 1911 was one factor in changing to Hi Standards and later Hammerli 208s.
BE Mike
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Transition from .22 to CF Empty Re: Transition from .22 to CF

Post by Froneck 5/28/2023, 9:21 am

The attempt to keep everything the same is why quite a few High Masters are using the .22 conversion and why I have one plus attempting to build my own. When Adam was shooting for the AMU he had them put 1911 grips on the 208. Having a 215 that has been altered to accept 1911 grips and the 208 I purchased for him when he was a Jr. shooter he purchased a Nelson conversion so as to have the trigger the same.


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