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"How the?"

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"How the?" Empty "How the?"

Post by jwax 6/1/2023, 4:53 pm

We all know that line-
"Activate the trigger without disturbing the sights"

Question is, how do revolver marksmen "fan" the hammer, and from the hip, hit a target?

Sights are all in the head- it knows where to point to hit the target. Fanning the hammer must move the gun, right, or no?

Maybe watched too many cowboy videos.

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"How the?" Empty Re: "How the?"

Post by Sa-tevp 6/1/2023, 6:01 pm

jwax wrote:We all know that line-
"Activate the trigger without disturbing the sights"

Question is, how do revolver marksmen "fan" the hammer, and from the hip, hit a target?

Sights are all in the head- it knows where to point to hit the target. Fanning the hammer must move the gun, right, or no?

Maybe watched too many cowboy videos.

Well, a lot of the revolvers used in the film industry used hold about a hundred rounds. My father as a kid after WWII used to be That Guy who counted rounds fired while watching the serial cowboy films on Saturday at the local theater.

Also as a youth he tried to hold up a 45-70 lever action rifle thinking it was like the pistol caliber carbines in the movies, and realized the heavy rifle had leverage over him.

All this experience was not of use, as he once landed a B-52D after a mission in SEA and the post flight walk-around found a GP bomb was still in the shackles.

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"How the?" Empty Re: "How the?"

Post by JRV 6/1/2023, 9:57 pm

I’m assuming we are talking competition/exhibition shooting and not movie shootouts?

The real line is activate the trigger without disturbing the sights (enough to make a difference given target size and distance).

When you watch QuickDraw events at CAS/SASS events, they are fanning a hammer at a big plate something like five or ten yards away (wax or similar bullets are used). That’s not exactly precision shooting, so precision shooting fundamentals don’t apply.


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"How the?" Empty Re: "How the?"

Post by Jack H 6/1/2023, 10:34 pm

It was easy with my Fanner 50 sixty or more years ago.  I've slowed down since

But you shoot RF your way.  I'll shoot it my way.  lol! lol!
Jack H
Jack H

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"How the?" Empty Re: "How the?"

Post by jwax 6/2/2023, 6:43 am

Yes, was asking specifically about fast, accurate competition fanning shooting.
Amazed at how the brain can know where the gun is pointing without "aiming". Quickly, like in 0.4 seconds of a light coming on. 
Truly not a Precision Pistol sport!

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