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What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s)

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What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s) Empty What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s)

Post by GrumpyOldMan 12/5/2013, 3:53 pm

I found in the parts orphan box one of those steel (?) scope mounts for the Government Model which consists of a left grip panel and a Weaver mount rail that looks like it would run about 1/2-inch above the slide.

Worth looking at and using???

I'm thinking of using a red dot at least for ammo development. Maybe on a softball gun eventually. Changing grips on the revolver appears to have calmed down the twitchiness (we're talking 6-ring!) with that which was apparent in slow fire and mirrors on-target results... Resisted for years but I understand much better the allure of the dot sight in this game.


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What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s) Empty Re: What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s)

Post by Rob Kovach 12/5/2013, 5:05 pm

They work just fine!  Some of the kits come with extra pins that go through the mainspring hole and one of the upper pin holes but they have a nice positive lock over the grip bushings and never moved at all for me.

The only thing I didn't like about it, was it's harder to clear a malfunction with that rail in the way.  It's the same reason I don't like the frame mounted bridge type rails...
They are great.  Use it.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s) Empty Re: What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s)

Post by bullseyebill 12/5/2013, 5:09 pm

I've had a Aimtech on my Gov't model for years and thousands of rounds... no problems.
If you've got it ,why not try it ? The Aimtech replaces the right grip .


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What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s) Empty Re: What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s)

Post by james r chapman 12/5/2013, 5:19 pm

The Aimtech worked fine on my 1911 also..
even better as I'm left handed...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s) Empty Re: What About Those Grip Panel Scope Mounts? (1911s)

Post by Dr.Don 12/5/2013, 6:14 pm

Clark used to sell a grip mount. It used the grip panel screws but also required you to drill and tap 2 extra holes in the frame.  It also came with a kit of steel Devcon epoxy and release agent.  You used this to cast a "boss" into the mount that exactly fit your frame cutout.  I never had trouble with it coming loose or shifting and it cleared the slide with a Bomar rib.  I much prefer the weight of a rib or dot sight on the slide to slow it down.  The grip mount with a rib on the gun was too heavy a setup for me.  So I converted to a slide mounted Ultradot.

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