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Red dot falls to the bottom right while gripping

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Red dot falls to the bottom right while gripping Empty Red dot falls to the bottom right while gripping

Post by Orion 8/13/2023, 9:12 am

I decided to remove my ergonomic grips from my 1911. I’m left-handed. Since, while gripping, my red dot continues to fall or move to the 4 or 5 o’clock position for the second shot and it gets progressively noticeable by the fifth shot. This isn’t an issue when using my ergonomic grips, however my groups are noticeably tighter when shooting with 1911 slabs. With the slabs my ability to bring the pistol up and then down, straight to the ten ring is improved.

I’m going to dry fire at the blank wall tonight to troubleshoot.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Red dot falls to the bottom right while gripping Empty Re: Red dot falls to the bottom right while gripping

Post by SteveT 8/13/2023, 10:38 am

Either the gun is moving in your hand or your wrist position is changing.

If the gun is moving you can add friction with grip tape, stippling, checkering and/or more aggressive grip panels or you can change the way you grip the gun (or both). Generally when the gun moves in your hand you should look at the position at the end of the string and consider using that as your starting grip since that is the natural position you hand and gun want to be in. You will have to adjust your wrist and arm to compensate for the new gun position. This may require significant training to ingrain the now position.

If your wrist position is changing it probably means you are starting with your wrist in a non-natural position and it is relaxing a little with each shot. You can either train to make the new position natural or go back to ortho grips.

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Red dot falls to the bottom right while gripping Empty Re: Red dot falls to the bottom right while gripping

Post by DA/SA 8/13/2023, 10:42 am

An arched mainspring housing may help a bit with keeping the muzzle up.

Sharkskin grip panels are pretty nice as well to stop the pistol from squirming around in your hand, as would a checkered mainspring housing from Rock River.

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